Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It all ends here

A life, many stages, (almost) a million stories.
I have arrived at an end to a stage of my life, and the beginning of another.
I have arrived to this point where many changes are taking place simultaneously, all of which, these changes will affect the next 10 years of my life.
Its time for me to understand, let go of the past and move on.
I had the time of my life as a baby, a child and a student. I had enjoyed being childish, being stubborn and be forgiven of all the baby mistakes that I've made for the past 18 years. Enough of all the tantrums, enough with the escapism, enough of being weak.
Its time to move on to adulthood.
Its time to be mature, to face pressures and responsibilities.
I used to wonder how long will I be able to keep up a blog? A few months? A few years perhaps... or forever? But I realised, its not the time and duration, but the stages of life that matters to keep up a blog.
Partly Cloudy is a record of memories, of my time as a child and a student. Its like my past... I cannot keep holding on to it and not let go... I need to put a stop, to end this stage of life, So I can continue on to the next one.
So, the blog ends here, together with my childhood - A past, a memory, many stories that I will cherish forever, yet I cannot bring it with me if I wanna proceed on.
I'm not forgoing a part of me. What has passed is past, I need to let go. Hiding in the hole of memories, will only deter me from moving on.
Ending here, is a form of closure, a recognition of reality.
I'll still keep this blog open, so if one day I decide to walk down the memory lane, and wanna reopen this box of memories, I still could.
It all ends here with a new beginning to look forward to.
Til then