Haha:P So... At first my tank looked like this... This is the first appearance of my tank:
Then we think that the tank looked plain and live-less, so we decided to reorganise the live-rock.(Live-rock means that there are micro-organism and creatures living in the rock, thats why it is "alive".) Therefore, now, our tank looked like this:
And below are all my fishes:
Yell!!! My flat Yellow Tang!!! It is always so camera shy!!!!
Pow!!! My playful Powder Blue Tang!!! Another camera shy fella!!!
Sailo!!! My largest fish in tank, Sailfin Tang!!! What a show off... Likes to show us its beautiful fins!!!
Purp!!! My dwarf-small size Purple Tang!!! The naughty fella that gave me the most trouble while taking its picture!!!!

Maro!!! My fierce Maroon-Clown Fish!!! What an aggressive Guy!!!

Magby!!! My friendly Maroon-Clown Fish!!!! Guess it is Maro's girlfriend!!! Its is a bit smaller-size than Maro!!!

Cummy!!! My slow Sea Cummber!!! Sometimes it look really scary!!!!

Magby!!! My friendly Maroon-Clown Fish!!!! Guess it is Maro's girlfriend!!! Its is a bit smaller-size than Maro!!!

Cummy!!! My slow Sea Cummber!!! Sometimes it look really scary!!!!
Thats all!!! Will post my corals pictures at a later time.:D
Heres a video of my tank and Magby messing around with the anemone!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
Magby and the anemone
My Tank