Thursday, July 7, 2011


"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". - Newton's third law

Its funny that, I'll tend experienced extreme sadness after I've gone through the same degree of happiness. People find me crazy, may even worry if I'm mentally sound or not. Sometimes I do worry about that myself.

I don't think I can be strong anymore. I seem to have lost that sense of control over my emotions. I realised that I can no longer hold in my emotions when I wanted to. Net told me that I shouldn't worry about it because this means I'm becoming more humane.
Perhaps letting my emotions flow as it wants is better for me, because holding it in, its just torturous.

Anyway, school starts already, I'm feeling a little weird about everything, hope I can adjust myself quickly.


Sunday, July 3, 2011


Pretty rough days I had, what I hoped won't occur, might happened.
I used to think that we are too distant. Whatever happened is not even enough make me feel anything... No that is not true. I actually felt something, so strongly. So we aren't that distant like I thought we were.

I don't know how to vent it out, those emotions, like a turmoil inside inside me, made me not able to breathe. I know if it becomes the truth, I cannot take it. I've been through it twice I don't want to go through it the third time.

I feel so helpless because theres really nothing I can do. Should I just give in to fate and destiny? Do I still have that power to control? No more I guess, ever since I've become a slave of reality, I lost my power to control.

Vulnerable, yes we are. Things come as quickly as they goes. Cherish the present I guess its the best solution.
