Sunday, July 3, 2011


Pretty rough days I had, what I hoped won't occur, might happened.
I used to think that we are too distant. Whatever happened is not even enough make me feel anything... No that is not true. I actually felt something, so strongly. So we aren't that distant like I thought we were.

I don't know how to vent it out, those emotions, like a turmoil inside inside me, made me not able to breathe. I know if it becomes the truth, I cannot take it. I've been through it twice I don't want to go through it the third time.

I feel so helpless because theres really nothing I can do. Should I just give in to fate and destiny? Do I still have that power to control? No more I guess, ever since I've become a slave of reality, I lost my power to control.

Vulnerable, yes we are. Things come as quickly as they goes. Cherish the present I guess its the best solution.
