Monday, December 29, 2008

Jiang Nan Trip Part 2

Now comes the funny part of the trip.

1) [Oh... erm before I start with my recount, I would like to explain my behaviour.
*Ahem... and here is my explanation: Daddy used to bring me shopping when I was young, and whenever we saw a trolley, he would like to put me inside. In order to make me happy, he would borrow the bars between the wheels and skate on it, and same goes for the luggage trolleys used in airports.]

It all happened on 13 Dec 2008, 11+pm, S'pore Changi Airport Terminal 3, on my way to Boarding Hall. I was assigned with the responsibility of pushing the luggage trolley to the boarding hall. While pushing the trolley, I suddenly recalled how daddy used to skate me around with a trolley when I was little. Out of boredom, and the urge to again experience the perks of how daddy used to skate the trolley with me, I started skating on the trolley just like how daddy used to do it.

Unfortunately, I'm too heavy for the trolley to tolerate so...
SO... I... FELL!!! And the worst part was... I fell in front of the crowd. All my travelling companions burst out laughing of course.
The crowd? unlike my travelling companions were kind enough not to laugh. :D I thought I heard some gigglings behind but I'm sure I was hallucinating. :D

[OH! Don't worry, I'm not hurt. Haha, So kind of you to care. :D Thank You!!! What?... No?... You are more concerned of how I fell??? Oh! how could you?!?!]

2) *Ahem... so I suppose we could go on with the next incident. (>_<)[From now on every incident I'll be mentioning all had to do with toilets.]
I think this one, if I'm not wrong, happened in the hotel of YiWu. Its a sophisticated and classy hotel, even their public toilet were grand and sophisticated. Let alone a small door lock of a cubicle. Very sophisticated as well. Like I always say, I'm the simplest simpleton ever and complicated things aren't for me. This was what happened....
Before we set off to our next destination from the hotel, my female travelling companions and I wanted to visit the toilet, just in case nature called us in the middle of our long ride. So we went to the toilet. And OH WOW!!! the toilet sure is grand!!! EXCITEDLY, I went in to one of the cubicle. After I'm done, to my horror, I can't seem to unlock the door. I meddled with the lock, turning it left and right but it shows no sign of unlocking!!! Out of anxiety, I shouted for my travelling companions for help. "HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!! I CAN"T UNLOCK IT!!!! I"M STUCK!!!" Then my aunt quickly comforted me and gave me the instructions of how to unlock sophisticated door lock. Finally, I'm free. As I stepped out of the cubicle, I saw the other females CTC tour mates waiting. Instantly I knew they heard me shouting... Embarrassedly, I washed my hands and quickly ran out of the toilet. I heard soft gigglings behind, and I'm sure I'm not hallucinating.

3) This incident... hmmm... happened in a restaurant... unfortunately I really can't remember the exact place. Anyway thats not really important :D Well this one really scared the wits out of me. Here goes... Mummy, Junli and I went to the toilet to get ready for set off to another destination. We saw 3 available cubicles and we took one each. I pushed my way in to the cubicle and locked the door. After I'm done, I realised after I unlocked the lock, no matter how hard I push the door It won't barge! In other words, the door could not be opened. I meddled with the door for quite sometime and Mum being the first one out, impatiently asked if I'm done or not. Whilst she was asking, I was pushing the door with all my might to make it open...silently of course... I didn't want Mum to know I'm stuck in a cubicle again...Anxiously I replied my mum: "Ya soon!!!" But I'm still in the mist of pushing...Just when I was about to ask for help, I suddenly noticed that there was a sign "PULL" on the door. Great... just great....

4)This one would be the last incident as far as I could remember. I will add on to the list if I could remember more. :D Again, it got to do with toilet. We were at ShangHai's tallest building's 88th floor enjoying a 360 degree view of ShangHai. The guide gave us an hour for sight-seeing and after all the pictures taking, we realised we still have ample time for ice-cream. (Yes Yes I know we are nuts... Its extremely cold out there and we are eating ice-cream.) Anyway, we had ice-cream. Mummy being a baby, stained her shirt, jeans, jacket and my hand with chocolate ice-cream. She needed a toilet to clean up. And so, we went down, all the way from 88th floor to the 1st floor. I had a pair of sharp eyes, and saw the toilet sign immediately when the elevator's door opens. Quickly I dashed my way through the crowds with a mindset of directing Mum and company to the toilet as quickly as possible. Once I stepped into the toilet, I went to the basin to wash my hands. Suddenly I realised those females weren't with me. I was the only one in the toilet. I thought they might have lost me while following so I went out. As I stepped out of the toilet, I saw my tour group's most handsome guy and his family smiling at me. I'm a polite girl, so I smiled back, at the same time still looking for my mum and company at the toilet entrance. I find it strange that why that guy kept looking and smiling at me. My first instinct told me that he might be interested in me, so again, I smiled back at him. Suddenly as I turned my head, I saw the toilet sign.... I slowly walk to the sign to double check. And it states there... Male.

GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!! I quickly ran away of course!!! How embarrassing!!! The worst part is that cute guy saw it all!!!! HELP ME!!!!
[After that incident, somehow, I can't help but kept thinking of that guy... Oops...]]

Jean Ziying