Saturday, September 1, 2007

Flying Off, This Week.

Flying Off, This Week.


Few more hours later and I will disappear myself from Singapore and appear in China, Beijing!!!
And I am SO (with a CAPITAL S & O) EXCITED (with a CAPITAL E.X.C.I.T.E.D)!!!


Anyway, this week was just like any other, went by fast and ZOOM!!! here am I blogging in the middle of Friday night or rather Saturday morning, 2 hours after 12ante-meridian to be very exact.

Something special about this week was that today, or maybe yesterday was Teachers Day Celebration. I won't say that it was a totally awesome party, but at the very least, everything fall into places as planned. I mean excluding the fact that majority (I could say that) of the teachers we invited did not turn up, everything turns up to be quite successful., I am happy for it.

OH and OH OH OH MY GOSHHHH!!!! Guess who I saw today, or maybe yesterday???!!!

Well it is....

BENJAMIN!!!!! from Campus Superstar 2!!!!

GOSH!!! he is so damn handsome can??? HAHAHA so fortunate. But then again, if it would be even better if I could see Keely too. Hahaha.

Ooooo almost fogot this very funny incident happen to my friend. This tuesday, while she was in the hall taking her chinese paper 1 prelim paper, her shoe sole actually disparted from her shoe. And according to her it all happened suddenly. She claimed that she did nothing except for the fact that she just was twisting and adding pressure to the side of her shoe sole and then the sole and the shoe just disparted.

Guess the sole hated the way that my friend twisted it, thats why it wanted to leave its home.

Gosh what a poor shoe...
Annouced dead...


Alright its getting late...

