Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Missed my Chinese New Year Eve-eve's recess

Missed my Chinese New Year Eve-eve's recess

Ok... missed my recess today...why?

Ask Miss Soh lor.... Haha.... Actually my mum was to be blamed. If she hadn't refused to sign my second Social Studies test paper, I wouldn't end up in this state.

You know what she say, when I asked her to sign the papers?

Me: Mummy, help me to sign these two papers.
Mum: (Looking at the first one, feeling happy that I've passed) Hmmm... Not bad, you've shown improvement already.

I smiled at her, then she happily signed the paper. Continuing, she looked at the second paper.

Mum: (Brows began to frown, could sensed that she was unhappy.) WHY like THIS huh?!?!?!
Me: Huh?? Erm... I... Well... I didn't study hard enough... lor...
Mum: You didn't study hard enough, you failed your test and you expect me to sign huh??? Don't you know my policy???
Me: I know, but I only need one more mark to pass... SO...can you close one eye and treat it that I pass??? Just this once.... Pleeaassee....
Mum: Never.
Me: But MMMUUUMMMYYY!!! If you don't sign, Miss Soh will punish me!!! She will make me copy the textbook for who knows how many times!!!
Mum: 活该!!! Then you will have to copy~:D
Me: WHAT!!!
Mum: Whatever it is, I won't sign. You can ask daddy to sign it for you. :D I, will only sign those papers that you've passed, understand?
Me: ...Yes Mdm....

Ask daddy to sign it alright. He had been so busy lately, I hardly sees him!!! How to ask him???

No choice, so... got punished today.

Told Miss Soh about it. And she was like: "I like your mum, got character."


There goes my recess for Chinese new year Eve-eve.

Cannot believe. Miss Soh and my mum were like a splitting image of each other. Though their face aren't exactly similar, but their characteristic, are totally alike. And when I say totally, it really means TOTALLY.

I mean what else can I expect from a Gemini? I should have known. 两个都是有Character的人. Now it looks like as if I have two mums/ two Miss Soh staring at me at home and in school.

How alike? If you want to know, I can tell you. They are similar in: the way they talk, the choice of sacarstic vocabulary to '酸' people, the way they scold, they way they joke, the way they tell students 大道理, the choice of clothes they prefer, the way they...etc.

See what I mean...

2 more days to New Year!!! YAY!!! all the Hongbaos, food and drink will be all mine. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Wooo... Evil...

Can't wait to see those two cute little babies!!! Xavier and Anthea!!! Jean/Ying Jie Jie love ya lots!!!


Yup think thats all.

Happy New Year People!!!

