Sunday, February 24, 2008


Tiring day, or should I say, tiring week. How tiring? Shan't elaborate on that.

Went to a musical with schoolmates and teachers yesterday. A nice and propagandous perfomance. The whole thing was very, how should I put it, "social studies". But I was too tired to interpret the show's hidden agendas and also not to mention the school's main purpose of bringing us there. So when my friends asked me about my after-thoughts of the show, I simply replied:"Not bad." But in actual fact, I have a lot of things to comment about when I am in my usual self.

A friend asked me if I am going to cut my hair short this year, and I replied with a no. I explained to her that my mum will think that I look like a boy if I had short hair. She thinks that I shouldn't care too much about how and what people think about me.

After that, I gave a little thought about what my friend had commented about me. In my opinion, it's not that whether I care too much or not on how people looked or think of me. To me, I think that it might be better if we could take up some advice from others, so that we could improve ourselves. Because I know, the world consists of so many people, not only me.

Well its just my opinion, I can't force her to take up my kind of thoughts. Like I said to my sister: "We can't force people to take up our kind of thinking but we could certainly share."
