Saturday, September 6, 2008

Interest or not

I think its a trend of thought going around in this family. This big family that doesn't consist solely the four and four of us only, but the whole group of relatives that I love to spend my time with.

Even though I consider that we are one big family, we are break-up into five individual groups of four, scattered around in many different parts of Singapore. Therefore I think that "家家有本难念的经" still applies to us.

After reading my cousin's blog, I realised that my mum and most of her siblings shared the same kind of thought. They would just keep preaching to their kids: "Don't just pursue anything for mere interest, it won't get you far, it won't give you a good life in the future, it won't.... it won't.... it won't...." I was wondering, why stop a child from doing something they like? Why condemn a child's right from pursuing their interest?

Of course I won't try to be sarcastic about it, however, part of me agrees and disagrees with this sentence to a certain extent. (I hope that my tone ain't sound like I'm doing SS here :D)

I disagree because I think a child, no... not only a child, EVERYONE has the right to pursue their career based on interest. It has yet to be proven that someone will not lead a good life just because they pursue a career based on their interest.

As matter of fact, I think people who applied for a job for the purpose of life jacket, without having that passion for the particular job would thus lead to unhappiness while working. If not then why would statistic show that many people dislike their jobs? And why would statistic show that many people have no passion for their job?

If we look deeper into the problem, it might also lead to economic growth of the country. Which I'm NOT going into it, if I do, I'm really on the verge of writing a Social Studies report in which I don't wanna. Thus, interest is important too.

On the other hand, I agrees because all parents have been through hardships. And they don't want their children to follow their footsteps and suffer.

To them, they think they know what is best for the kid. To them, passion and interest are something that could be developed over the time. What's most important is to ensure the child to have a stable job when they proceed into the society. Thus they feel that they need to equip the child with every single certificate that they feel that the child deserve to have by sending them to attend various courses and classes, pushing the child to achieve something above their limit. Their very wish was to see their child being successful in the future.

With this I don't deny that parents had put in alot of effort in ensuring the child to lead a good life in the future.

Well, after my O level this year, I will be sitting at the driver's seat, facing and waiting at the crossroad for the traffic light to turn green, at the mean time choosing and deciding my next route of where I want to go. To the place where the sign states: Interest and Passion or to the place where the sign that wrote: Follow your parents.
