21 Oct 2008
由于英文考试是在下午,我便必须自己乘坐巴士到考场。在巴士里,我发现我是最不用功的一个。我周遭的考生们都在巴士里埋头苦读,而我却呆呆的在看着他们读。我的心里不禁感到莫名的紧张。心里在想:“如果今天考的不好,明年拿成绩的时候一定会哭死。怎么办?”想着想着,心里越来越紧张。本来已经很没自信了,现在更没有信心了。当心里已经到了有点惶恐的地步时,我忽然醒悟,提醒自己,千万不可乱了阵脚, 在一旁不停的Chant,跟自己洗脑,说自己是A1的料。
我又是冷静的进入考场。临考前,我又对自己Chant了一遍∶“陈秭莹,你是A1的料,你是A1的料...” 考试很顺利,不过成绩好不好,又是另外一回事了。算了,现在担心也没用,到时,拿成绩的时候再烦恼吧。希望船到桥头自然直。
23 Oct 2008
E Math Paper 1
在准备的前一晚,我简直快崩溃了。心里有块大石压在心里很难过。我对E Math一直都很有信心的,但前一晚突然发现,自己好像还有很多东西不懂,越做考题,越有压力。之后我决定不要再做考题了,我要休息。以免做的越多压力越大。
一种很绷紧的感觉一直在我身边绕来绕去,进了考场也不放过我。烦死了。之后我决定用‘Chanting疗法’来恢复信心。又是那句:“我是A1的料 我是A1的料...”
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
I know I shouldn't blog at this point in time, but I really wanted to record the feelings that I'd went through during O'Level. :D
20 Oct 2008
还好事情没有我预料的坏。考卷并不会很难,还是‘Do-able’ 的。
但今天的Chemistry是Science Paper的5分之1。说可能会拿一个‘A’还言之过早。尤其我的Practical并不是很理想,所以距离‘A’的路还很远。我真的不敢保证。
20 Oct 2008
还好事情没有我预料的坏。考卷并不会很难,还是‘Do-able’ 的。
但今天的Chemistry是Science Paper的5分之1。说可能会拿一个‘A’还言之过早。尤其我的Practical并不是很理想,所以距离‘A’的路还很远。我真的不敢保证。
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Faith commented that my blog seems to be dead.
So I think I should blog about something.
So heres goes... :D
Ha ha. :D
So I suppose my blog isn't dead anymore :)
So I think I should blog about something.
So heres goes... :D
Ha ha. :D
So I suppose my blog isn't dead anymore :)
Friday, October 3, 2008
3 October 2008
I was asked to write a reflection after the farewell assembly for the school web. I might as well post it on my blog too. :D
Today's farewell ceremony was definitely tears-jerking. When I saw the slides, my nose turned sour immediately, and tears started to fall, however it wasn't a heavy rain.
Frankly speaking, I don't have a good memory. I can't even remember what I had for my dinner yesterday! However, when I was asked to recall the days I had with Temasek, many things came up to my mind. Temasek had left such an impression on me that every single memory I had with the school seemed to have carved in deeply into my head.
It has dawned on me that I had sung my school song for the last time, I had made my last Temasek cheer, and I had spent my last moment with my classmates, schoolmates and of course, with my teachers.
The encouragement from the teachers had spurred me on. They had gave me the drive to study hard and made me more determined to achieve good results for my upcoming O' levels. Many of my friends commented that they can't bear to leave the school and I felt the same, however I know we had to leave eventually, and it is a fact that we cannot change.
Nevertheless, Temasek is my school and it will always be, because Once a Temasekian, always a Temasekian.
Oh shucks.... Now my nose is sour again....
Today's farewell ceremony was definitely tears-jerking. When I saw the slides, my nose turned sour immediately, and tears started to fall, however it wasn't a heavy rain.
Frankly speaking, I don't have a good memory. I can't even remember what I had for my dinner yesterday! However, when I was asked to recall the days I had with Temasek, many things came up to my mind. Temasek had left such an impression on me that every single memory I had with the school seemed to have carved in deeply into my head.
It has dawned on me that I had sung my school song for the last time, I had made my last Temasek cheer, and I had spent my last moment with my classmates, schoolmates and of course, with my teachers.
The encouragement from the teachers had spurred me on. They had gave me the drive to study hard and made me more determined to achieve good results for my upcoming O' levels. Many of my friends commented that they can't bear to leave the school and I felt the same, however I know we had to leave eventually, and it is a fact that we cannot change.
Nevertheless, Temasek is my school and it will always be, because Once a Temasekian, always a Temasekian.
Oh shucks.... Now my nose is sour again....