Today and yesterday was another one of the best days of 2011.
Yesterday was because it was a great day spent with Dear. Today, not only I get to see Dear, I also found myself a Danboard!!! That was the utmost happinest I've ever experienced. To think I was a little disappointed with the fact that I missed the chance to grab one Danbo for myself when it was still in stock. And today, I found it, it was like... WOOO YEAH!!!
Haha! I was like laughing to myself when I came out from the figurine shop, really I was like smiling and laughing to myself. I think the passerby might think that I'm some looney or something, but hey! I got my Danboard, so I'm the boss!!! XD
Anyway, almost lost my ezlink card again, but thank god, a nice kind soul picked it up and returned it to me, so happy haha!
But, today, I've really overspent, I got this feeling, my dad is gonna nag at me... again. Yes he nagged once last month, and the month before, so I'm guessing another round is gonna come soon. VERY SOON.
Oh! Bought a shirt with a Bear-Bear pin. Well, actually the shop keeper told me I'm supposed to pay for the bear pin, but I bargained and she gave me for free, so ya, YAYNESS!! :)
Well, hope tomorrow will be okay, cos, I think I'll feel emotional again cos Dear is booking in. But, hey, last week of the 19 week, I should be happy for him, so just keep the happinest going!... at least until Monday arrives, then I'll be stress all over again.
Monday to Thursday: Working plus studying mode.
Friday to Sunday: Relax and Chill mode.
Preparing to switch mode anytime now. Argh what a dreadful thing to do...
Anyway, til then