Sunday, April 27, 2008

OH NO!!!! My chinese!!!!

Great... My chinese is HORRIBLE!!!! and TERRIBLE!!!!!

Gotta continue polishing before I even forget how to write my chinese name!!!

Just great...


Sunday, April 20, 2008


I saw Xavier and Anthea today!!!! Yup, it has been a long time since I last saw the two siblings. They are still as cute as ever!!!! Hahahaha handsome boy and pretty girl. How adorable!!! Fun-loving little kids always take my troubles away. :P

My father bought 4 more clownfishes; Nemos, for his tank in the office today. CUTE!!!!

Went to T3 for dinner today. Good place, nice food, but a little too crowded.

Eating durian is not a family thing, because Net hates it. She is only good at polishing off all the mangosteens and never 'shows mercy' to any of them. So, we had a durian feast on Sat, while Net had her mangosteen feast. Ooooo, it has been a long time since I ate one. SUPERB!!!!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


(PS: I have not touch chinese for a very long time. So... pardon my mistakes. :D)







Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Being straight minder

I am a 100% straight-thinking person, this is a fact that I can't deny. I can only see the very generic view of everything in every situation. And I can only take up simple and generic solutions to solve those generic problems that I've encountered.

(*Joking) So Social Studies' SBQs are not for me. As I simply can't see their hidden agendas, because my thinkings are straight.

My family and friends told me about it and they said that they can't stand my straight-ness. Unfortunately I am a stubborn person, I don't wish to change. I don't see what's wrong for being a very straight-thinking person. Ya, maybe I will lose out to some other people because I wasn't "curvey" enough. But leading a simple life like this would makes me happier.

At the very least, this is what I think.

I value and believe in integrity and honesty. So being a straight-thinking person would be what I prefer. So that I would be able to uphold this believe and value. Because I will be able to act to things accordingly to what the laws and rules had set.

You may disagree, but at the very least, this is what I think.



Saturday, April 12, 2008

My com :(

I was happily using my computer just now until my father barged into the room, "coup d'état" my place and invaded my computer.

A few moments later, my computer hanged.

I want to COMPLAIN!!!!

Thank goodness everything falls back into place after he left.



Thursday, April 10, 2008

Speech Day

10 April 2008, Temasek Secondary School's 27th Speech Day.

I screwed it all up.

Yup, I screwed up in an extremely formal and serious event. Ya... you guys must be thinking: "Are you nuts?!?!?!". Nevermind, I'm OK, go ahead and think, I don't blame you, cause I thought so too myself. I REALLY AM NUTS!!!

Who on earth would dare to screw an important event up like this??? I must be out of my mind.

You guys must be thinking: "Stop the suspense, how did you screw up Speech Day?!?!?!"

Ok, here goes...

Firstly, I numerously (take note of the word numerously) and almost, presented the wrong award to the wrong person. Adeline and the teacher were so shocked and anxious when I took the wrong award. Luckily, I came to my senses when I realised I've got the wrong award and quickly changed it to the correct one.

The above happened during the first part of Speech Day's prize presentation. Thank goodness, nothing went wrong as I discovered my mistake before presenting the award to the G.O.H.

During the second part of the prize presentation, things started to go wrong. As this time, I did not discover my mistakes made as above, and presented it to the principal. Then the principal found out that the award that she was holding was the wrong one, she told me, and my teacher changed it quickly for her. And this situation, happened twice.

I felt very guilty after the presentation. I screwed up everything!!! Adeline said that the teacher told me to read/ double confirm that the name was correct before presenting the prize, but I didn't!!!! What on earth am I thinking about at that point of time?!?!?!

Sometimes I really can't stand myself.

Gosh.... I am in for, BIG TIME!!!!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

No title for you

Its really hard to think of a title for every post. Because all my entry posts are originated from my reflections/ thoughts for the day. So the only title to name my post would be no other words than THOUGHTS.

But come to the think of it, I can't possibly give all my post the title: THOUGHTS or REFLECTIONS right? So naming my all my posts is a torturous job.


What kind of post is this???


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Is a simple Hello still considered as SIMPLE for me???

I am very irritated and frustrated with MYSELF!!! I can't even say a simple "HELLO" !!!! What am I afraid of actually???? WHY I JUST COULDN'T SAY IT??? I hate it, and I mean I REALLY hate it.

"HELLO" !!!! Is it really that difficult to say???? So much for the chances that had been given to you previously. YOU BLEW IT ALL UP!!!!!



Sunday, April 6, 2008

Slog my way through

Great... I've done nothing meaningful today, except running against time to finish my art homework, due tomorrow.

Next week would be a busy and eventful one:
- Tuesday, Speech Day full-dress rehearsal;
- Wednesday, Chemistry and Math test;
- Thursday, Speech Day and Social Studies test, Piano Lesson;
- Friday, NAFA test and Singing competition, B-C Lesson.

Great... I will have to slog my way through next week.


My terrible and fantastic memory

According to my family, I have a 'both terrible and fantastic' memory. They said that if I wanted to remember something, it will permanently stay in my head. If I don't bother to do so, it won't even last for 5 minutes.

Examples of a fantastic memory:
1) I could still remember, at the age of 3 years old, my mum used to chase me around the house with a cane in her hand because I couldn't write the chinese character for 'human' properly. (So guys, when you asked me how I got an A1 for chinese, this is the reason.)

2) I could still remember that I was caned by my primary 2 form teacher because I was playing a fool during his lesson. And I believed that everyone in the class expected me to cry after the caning, but I continued playing with my friends and laugh happily as if nothing had happened.

3) I could still remember that when I was a primary 5 student, I fought with my class monitor because of a frisbee.

I realised that I am such a naughty child when I was young. :(

4) I accidentally threw my clothes into the rubbish chute instead of the laundry basket, because I forgot that I was holding my dirty clothes. I thought it was trash.

5) When my dad wants me to pour him a cup of water, I went to the kitchen, forgot what I am supposed to do, and went back to the room, feeling rather strange that I went to the kitchen for no reason. Later my dad came asking for his cup of water that I've yet to pour for him.

6) When I am helping my mother to cook, she asked me to take out the ingredients from the fridge, I opened the fridge and poured myself a cup of water and closed the fridge, forgetting to take out the things that she wanted. Until the time that she asked for it, then I remembered.

The way that how I controls my memory fascinates me. So, can I still considers myself as short-term memory???

Examples of a terrible memory:
....erm...erm... I forgot...
Wait... let me think...
... erm.... I can't rememer... Oh dear....

I think I am still considered as one....
