Sunday, April 6, 2008

My terrible and fantastic memory

According to my family, I have a 'both terrible and fantastic' memory. They said that if I wanted to remember something, it will permanently stay in my head. If I don't bother to do so, it won't even last for 5 minutes.

Examples of a fantastic memory:
1) I could still remember, at the age of 3 years old, my mum used to chase me around the house with a cane in her hand because I couldn't write the chinese character for 'human' properly. (So guys, when you asked me how I got an A1 for chinese, this is the reason.)

2) I could still remember that I was caned by my primary 2 form teacher because I was playing a fool during his lesson. And I believed that everyone in the class expected me to cry after the caning, but I continued playing with my friends and laugh happily as if nothing had happened.

3) I could still remember that when I was a primary 5 student, I fought with my class monitor because of a frisbee.

I realised that I am such a naughty child when I was young. :(

4) I accidentally threw my clothes into the rubbish chute instead of the laundry basket, because I forgot that I was holding my dirty clothes. I thought it was trash.

5) When my dad wants me to pour him a cup of water, I went to the kitchen, forgot what I am supposed to do, and went back to the room, feeling rather strange that I went to the kitchen for no reason. Later my dad came asking for his cup of water that I've yet to pour for him.

6) When I am helping my mother to cook, she asked me to take out the ingredients from the fridge, I opened the fridge and poured myself a cup of water and closed the fridge, forgetting to take out the things that she wanted. Until the time that she asked for it, then I remembered.

The way that how I controls my memory fascinates me. So, can I still considers myself as short-term memory???

Examples of a terrible memory:
....erm...erm... I forgot...
Wait... let me think...
... erm.... I can't rememer... Oh dear....

I think I am still considered as one....
