Friday, March 27, 2009


I regretted cutting my nails for piano's sake. Now I can't pluck the guitar strings properly.


After messing with chords for 2 hours, my fingers are ofiicially swollen.

Finally, weekend! YAY!
I'm so gonna have ample rest before next week starts.

Till then

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gastric Problem

Its my turn now.
I knew it would come.
With my eating habits, I presumed it to be a sooner-or-later thing.

Yes, Gastric problem.

I'm disgusted with the medicine. But if I continue to put off with the medications, guess it would be a problem itself to shake off this problematic gastric fella.

Oh man...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Profiling Tests

Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised, at all, if I failed all my Profiling Tests.

And the next thing I know is my mum pulling me to various locations for tuitions and me being listed for remedials till late evening everyday. (I'm serious, take note of all the Plural Tenses... and Yes, it is THAT bad...)

Serve me right. I'm terribily upset about it.



Friday, March 20, 2009



I just love today, aka My Music Day!


Just finished my intensive piano and guitar session!
It feels extremely good when I know my stuff while practicing!

Sad thing is, my fingers are crying in pain...:(

Because of my procrastination, I ended up spending a week to finish only mere holidays' homework! I've yet to hit the books for next week's profiling test!

Seriously, I'm a goner. I couldn't agree more on that procrastinating is a terrible sin.

I vow I'm gonna mug through the whole weekend.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well whats the point of planning when things don't really go according to plan.

I planned to complete my homework and study Econs today.

I ended up sleeping the whole day instead.


I have dental at 3:45pm tomorrow.
Guitar Practice on Thursday 1pm to 3pm.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Bowling day!


Firstly, when we were entering our names to the system, I don't know whatever for, Adeline added an "I" to my name. So when the screen appeared the word "Zinci", I exclaimed immediately: "Who on earth is Zinci?!"

Adeline said it was me...

For the last time, goodness sake, Adeline, I'm not "Zinci"!!!

Secondly, "Beginner's luck" doesn't really applies to me.... I'm pretty honored to announce that I scored the lowest among the 3 of us!!! WEE~

Haha but then again its OK to lose to Adeline and Aisah. The worse part is to realise that I've lost to two 10+ year old kids!!!

Me and my pathetic 6 points for the last game. HAHA!!!

I was damn stressed out when I learnt that the little boy got an 8 while I got a 6! (Especially when we are both skinny and bowl the same weight of ball.)

And then maybe the little girl appeared to be so amused with my bowling skill, she can't help but to keep staring at me, observing me, how I can bowl a perfect gutter ball. When I succeeded, she laugh happiliy for me. :)

Oh man... that was really pathetic and humiliating lah! Haha.

Nevertheless, today I still had a FUN time!!!

Saw my Pathetic 6 points and the word "Zinci"? HAHA!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I'm blogging with my new laptop!

Well...not exactly new, it used to be my dad's.

Anyway, still I love every single thing about this laptop except the size and the keys. This laptop is heavy and HUGE. (OK, I'm exaggerating, but its really big-size!) and the keys are loose... they sounded as if they are falling out soon.

I shall be very gentle with them.

Apparently, I'm still awake. After 5 hours of nap just now, I don't think I can sleep anymore.

Going out with Adeline and Aisah tomorrow. We are going bowling.

Gosh, it has been decades ever since I last bowled! Primary 5 I guess? I've stopped bowling for so many years! I really don't know if I'm bowling the ball tomorrow, or I'm the one being bowled.

Can't imagine.
Till Then

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I need motivation to study. I really need it (the motivation) to help me pull through my Promos this year.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to find this motivation that I've been long looking for. The problem here is that I sensed the urgency, (as if the thought of being retain doesn't scare me enough), but I need something STRONGER, strong enough to make me feel that I REALLY need to or have to clear my Promos.


I blame it on the thinking that: Even if I didn't do well for my A levels and can't make it for Local U, I still have other alternatives. (I know, A levels and Promos are two different things but somehow, the thinking actually affect each other in some way or another.) And its not normal to think like this I tell you.... People will start thinking that I'm insane! Because, choosing Junior College education and not going for University is an act of insanity.

Sometimes I'm so troubled and stressed up (especially when recently, I realised that there are two Aliens namely, Economics and Chemistry has invaded my life!!!) I need to go out and take a breather, so I decided to ask my friends to go out with me. However, It makes me think that I'm committing a sin whenever I asked my friends out. Its either they think that I should be mugging my books at home or I shouldn't stop them from mugging their books.




Ok, leaving A levels and Promos aside...

I'm lost... I'M VERY LOST.

I've been through serious thinking these few days and I realised that I'm gradually over-turning the career route I've planned for myself in the earlier post. (as initially being an accountant then go for mid-career change to be a teacher.)

After those serious thinkings, it has dawned on me that, what I've planned, aren't what I really want. To me, being an accountant seems to be an obligation. Its like I'm obligated to do so. If not, (not depending Net to take over it), AcmeFocus Pte Ltd, will be handed over to a stranger to take over. In which I absolutely DO NOT WISH to see that.

Everytime when mum starts to comment that she is sick of working, wanting to retire, and told me that she has started on her 'spotting possible potential successor - to take over her' mission, actually threatens me. I know Net won't want to take over the company because being an accountant has never crossed her mind at all. So I pinned all hopes on myself to prevent AcmeFocus Pte Ltd from falling into the hands of stranger. So that makes me obligated to become an accountant in the future.

So practically, I don't have a choice... Do I?

OK, enough rantings...
Still have tutorials to finish!


Thursday, March 5, 2009


It has been raining quite heavily for the past few days. Especially, it likes to rain specifically at a particular period, which is an hour before my school dismissal. :(

Hence, this means that, I'll be drenched, on my way home. Darn it.

So its really a miracle that I didn't fell sick despite being drenched in the rain almost everyday this week. Strong immune system indeed.

I know this is a bit childish but I would like to urge the weather: "Rain, rain go away, come again another day!"


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


My piano teacher urged me to practice my piano.

Exam is in July.

Ok, noted.

I need to have time on my side.

So... I'm in for BIG TIME!!!

Crisis here!!!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Darn you - phone!

Seriously, I shouldn't be blogging now. Well, this is because, countless of tutorials thats due tomorrow awaits me and I'm very happy to say that they are nowhere near completion. :D

I'm so going to change a phone!!! Why? Well, this is why...

It poured just now at 6:30pm, right after chemistry make up lecture. Darn rain, I was like soaking wet while waiting for bus 12. After I board the bus, I actually alighted at the wrong stop and I have to wait for the next bus 12 AGAIN. So while in the mist of waiting and being drenched, the rain suddenly subsided, and then stopped. Out of coincidence, I looked up to the sky, and guess what I saw?

YES!!! ITS A RAINBOW!!! So damn nice can?!?!?! Out of excitement, I quickly took out my phone, intending to take a picture of that beautiful rainbow.

WHO KNOWS!!! My phone got such lousy camara, I can't seems to take a clear picture of that rainbow. Just when I was about to zoom-in and see if the effect would improve, that dumb phone died on me.

I swear I just charged that dumb battery yesterday.

Darn phone. Hate you to the core!!! Its so infuriating!!! I'm gonna curse that phone to no end I tell you!!!


PS: Oh by the way, I bought an extremely cute 7 eleven bear. I named it GULP-GULP!!! and The other one that I bought last Friday, Quick-Quick!!!
They are SO going to be BFF!!! (best friends forever!!!) MUAHAHAHAHA!!!



Once again

Sunday, March 1, 2009




Now I practically end school at 5pm everyday (including CCA). And I've so many tutorials to complete and deadlines to meet in such little time. In addition I need time to complete my music theory homework and practice my piano as well as my guitar. I also need time to do house chores and such.

I seriously need an extra hour, no, or rather 10 extra hours everyday!

Gimme a break would ya?

PS: Please don't infuriate and irritate me at this point in time or else I'll curse you to no end. :D
