Sunday, March 15, 2009


I'm blogging with my new laptop!

Well...not exactly new, it used to be my dad's.

Anyway, still I love every single thing about this laptop except the size and the keys. This laptop is heavy and HUGE. (OK, I'm exaggerating, but its really big-size!) and the keys are loose... they sounded as if they are falling out soon.

I shall be very gentle with them.

Apparently, I'm still awake. After 5 hours of nap just now, I don't think I can sleep anymore.

Going out with Adeline and Aisah tomorrow. We are going bowling.

Gosh, it has been decades ever since I last bowled! Primary 5 I guess? I've stopped bowling for so many years! I really don't know if I'm bowling the ball tomorrow, or I'm the one being bowled.

Can't imagine.
Till Then