Monday, March 16, 2009

Bowling day!


Firstly, when we were entering our names to the system, I don't know whatever for, Adeline added an "I" to my name. So when the screen appeared the word "Zinci", I exclaimed immediately: "Who on earth is Zinci?!"

Adeline said it was me...

For the last time, goodness sake, Adeline, I'm not "Zinci"!!!

Secondly, "Beginner's luck" doesn't really applies to me.... I'm pretty honored to announce that I scored the lowest among the 3 of us!!! WEE~

Haha but then again its OK to lose to Adeline and Aisah. The worse part is to realise that I've lost to two 10+ year old kids!!!

Me and my pathetic 6 points for the last game. HAHA!!!

I was damn stressed out when I learnt that the little boy got an 8 while I got a 6! (Especially when we are both skinny and bowl the same weight of ball.)

And then maybe the little girl appeared to be so amused with my bowling skill, she can't help but to keep staring at me, observing me, how I can bowl a perfect gutter ball. When I succeeded, she laugh happiliy for me. :)

Oh man... that was really pathetic and humiliating lah! Haha.

Nevertheless, today I still had a FUN time!!!

Saw my Pathetic 6 points and the word "Zinci"? HAHA!!!