Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last Post for April

I think I've made a big loss for this week's investment.

I guess, the time being dedicated to those Mid Term Assignments ain't gonna pay off.

Anyway. Last day of April...

May the fifth month of 2009 be better.

Tomorrow is Literature "Outing"!!! Going T2 to plan and rehearse our skit! OOZ!
as well as TMS class 5/1 and 5/2 class outing!!!



Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tomorrow is the day!

End of the Test-Marathon.

Erm... Thursday to be exact. But Thursday is General Paper essay, so nothing much that I can mug about... so yar. Tomorrow it shall be!

*This week, I've forgo to do my all my homework and study for all my tests. Opportunity Cost.
Love this line A very "Economic" sentence that I created myself.... Haha. (Diaclaimer: Any similarities to other sentences, is purely coincidence.)

Anyway. Wish me luck tomorrow!



Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Aim for the year

Aim for the year: Promoting to J2. AND Sleep before 12am every weekday.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Reflection for the week.

I'm a literature student, but I don't behave like one. So I'm trying very hard to behave more "literature-ish". Thus previously the "Baby" post I tried to be a little more poetic than before. :D Net commented that it was pretty ugly.... :P So much for being poetic. :(

So Anyway... One week later, is going to be very hectic and chaotic. Well it is M-T-A, I have to treat it seriously.

I'm identified for STAR programme! :( At least STAR sounds nicer than Remedials. Thats a point to be happy about. :D Nothing bad about STAR actually, I think I need it. :D To drop out of STAR, I have to clear my M-T-A for chemistry, General Paper and Economics. I think, it's not too difficult to achieve, so I shall try my best.

I'm coping very well with my JC life... is it a lie?... Yes no? Not going into it.

I feel like stuffing myself with chocolates. Thats insane. Well... I think I am insane.

Chinese project is driving me crazy! What is the rationale for doing that project? I don't know.

Starting Chemistry tuition next Sunday. I'm so going to ace my Chemistry M-T-A!

Labour Day is coming!!! That means holiday!!!



Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I'm so screwed today.

Went to see BABY yesterday night, and when I reached home, I was so exhilarated that I've forgotten to do all of my homework.

I'm being identified for ECONOMICS STAR programme! (o_Olll)


Well, on a side note, Net took several pictures of the BABY! MUAHAHAHA!!! I can't post them up yet, as I need to seek approval from the parents first.



I'm insane.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I stared quietly at those tiny little eyes,
They were as clear as water dew - Well, those eyes were shut though,
Still, I'm amused.

I stroked gently on her rosy cheek,
In fear that I'd hurt her with my clumsy moves.

Oh my, she sleeps so soundly.
Ignoring the rustlings around her,
In the little world of her own.

I wonder what she would be dreaming about?
Her parents and siblings perhaps?
Or maybe her aspirations for the future?

Oops! 8:30pm.
Time for me to go.
So, Goodnight Baby.
Have a sweet dream. :D


Sunday, April 12, 2009


I'm appalled.

I'm disgusted


SOMEONE can be so... so hypocritical, so fake, and still have the cheek to lie through her teeth in order to argue and defend herself for her, erm... I would say... immature behaviour.

(Seriously I'm refraining myself to hurl abusive language.)

A coward, I would say.

If not for that comment on her tag, affirmatively, she wouldn't even bother to delete those two abusive posts. (As if she can't wait for the whole world to know that she is the vulnerable one.) She said she was going to delete them soon. Even before the comment was posted.


I posted that comment 24 hours ago, and 24 hours later, those abusive posts were still there staring at my face....

Trying to lie?

Trying to argue for your rights?

I'm no fool.

Try doing it a smarter way I would say.

If you got the guts, 不要睁着眼睛说瞎话.

The moment when I start critisizing, is the moment when I've given up entirely on a particular person, and I will never take it back.

To me, I consider my close relatives as my family members.

YOU, are as good as a stranger to me.
Not even enough to consider yourself as my distant relative.
And never will.

How dare you criticize one of my family members?

If you don't cherish them, I do.

If you dislike them, I don't.

Do you know the difference between Sympathize and Empathize?
I DON'T empathize, I sympathize.

Seriously, I pity you.

PS: By the way, at least when I criticize, I have the guts to use LARGE fonts. Unlike SOMEONE. :D

Signing off

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Still in the mist of completing my tutorials.

Used as an excuse to on the computer.
... ... ...
Well, since I'm online, no harm blogging, yes no? :P

  1. Like I expected, didn't perform well for profiling tests... Well, no worries! Work harder for Mid-Term Assignment then! Press On!!!!
  2. A note to one person: If you want to criticize people on your blog, have the guts to type them in big-size fonts then!
  3. Sorry guys! Stood you all up yesterday! There was a big miscommunication between my parents and I, so we ended up missing the tomb-sweeping session. Oops! Sorry!
  4. I told daddy that if I can lead a carefree life, spending the rest of my time daydreaming, and think of/pondering about all those nonsense (for example: How wonderful if I can fly to the sky...etc.. that sort of nonsensical stuff) I would die of no regret. :D


Seriously, GET REAL GIRL!!!

URGH!!! I don't know how to do Literature!!!

Oops, mummy is coming!

Signing off



Tuesday, April 7, 2009





有着许许多多的可能性,就在那一线之间,就在那一刹那... 一种微妙的关系产生了,连接着所有人...



Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Still in search of that particular motivation that I've mentioned earlier to again foster my interest to study.

So I browsed through NUS's and NTU's webpage to look for those entry requirements of certain courses, to serve as a target for the next 1.5 years.

However, I was demoralised.

I was appalled by the realisation of the competitiveness I'll be facing after 'A's and entering a course in local U. "Where do I stand?", "Do I have what it takes to survive in this challenging society?" are the questions that I've been asking myself numerous time ever since.

Things were made extremely difficult when I have been constantly challenged by procrastinations as well as the low commitment level I had in me.

(Which eventually lead to another issue that I'll go into it later: How long will my enthusiam last if I chose either Veterinary, or Accounting, or Teaching or establishing a career in the Mass Media industry when I enter University?)

I'm lost.

I'm always pondering about where will I end up next, after (hopefully) my 2 years in TPJC?

I felt that I'm gradually losing even that little amount of confidence that I had in me and I have enough of tolerating the perpetual feeling of demoralisation when I'm in school. The gap between O level and A level are simply too far apart. I think I'm losing grip.

I'm questioning my capabilities.

I felt that I don't have enough substance to back me up during group work. I can't seem to contribute much during group discussions and it had always makes me feel really... really small. On top of that the feeling of guiltness is overwhelming.

I should start reading.

Straight 'A's for me? Only in dreams I guess.

Nevertheless, not to worry, I've NOT reached the stage where I'll feel regretful that I've chosen JC education.

Still surviving yea!
