Sunday, April 12, 2009


I'm appalled.

I'm disgusted


SOMEONE can be so... so hypocritical, so fake, and still have the cheek to lie through her teeth in order to argue and defend herself for her, erm... I would say... immature behaviour.

(Seriously I'm refraining myself to hurl abusive language.)

A coward, I would say.

If not for that comment on her tag, affirmatively, she wouldn't even bother to delete those two abusive posts. (As if she can't wait for the whole world to know that she is the vulnerable one.) She said she was going to delete them soon. Even before the comment was posted.


I posted that comment 24 hours ago, and 24 hours later, those abusive posts were still there staring at my face....

Trying to lie?

Trying to argue for your rights?

I'm no fool.

Try doing it a smarter way I would say.

If you got the guts, 不要睁着眼睛说瞎话.

The moment when I start critisizing, is the moment when I've given up entirely on a particular person, and I will never take it back.

To me, I consider my close relatives as my family members.

YOU, are as good as a stranger to me.
Not even enough to consider yourself as my distant relative.
And never will.

How dare you criticize one of my family members?

If you don't cherish them, I do.

If you dislike them, I don't.

Do you know the difference between Sympathize and Empathize?
I DON'T empathize, I sympathize.

Seriously, I pity you.

PS: By the way, at least when I criticize, I have the guts to use LARGE fonts. Unlike SOMEONE. :D

Signing off