Sunday, August 30, 2009


Went to the petrol station just now with Net to get ourselves some snacks. As we've collected ourselves a mountain of snacks, both of us were too scared to move around - as a slight movement may caused the whole mountain of snacks to collasp - which neither one of us wanted it to happen, so we picked the nearest cashier to queue in order to minimise movement.

The couple infront of us took uber-freaking long time, so we waited...and waited...and waited... Finally when it is our turn, the idiot cashier threw the "counter close" sign at us and points to the loooonnnggg queue beside us. Implying that the actual queue is that one. Then he murmurs to himself saying: "I don't serve 'Cut-Queuers'."

WTH!!!! OK!!! I got your message you bigsizeuglyold-attitude-problematic idiot!!! We didn't know alright? As a service provider, isn't he suppose to direct us to the other queue when he already saw us/know that we are queueing at the wrong line? Attitude problem MUCH!!!! The worse part is, he served the guy queueing behind us. OH, so that guy behind isn't a 'Cut-Queuer'?! WTH?! I feel like slapping him; hurling vulgarities at him but Net being a kind soul, stopped me.

OK. So we went to the actual line to queue.

AND GUESS WHAT! WHEN IT'S OUR TURN, HE IS THE ONE TO SERVE US AGAIN!!! OK~ thats irritating, but I maintained my cool. I threw the things that I was holding on the counter table and gave him a death glare. He unhappily, stuffed all my things into a bag and stood there like a piece of wooden block waiting to be chopped. I threw a piece of 50 dollars at him, snatched my change and walked off.

That was really irritating and infuriating.
Can't believe it.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Emotionally Attached

I'm that sort of person who will hang on to the past tightly and (unless I have to) I'll simply refuse to move on.

5 years ago, daddy decided to change away old Volvo for a new car. I felt rather ambivalent: On one hand I couldn't bear to leave old Volvo, but on the other hand, I felt rather excited about getting a new car. In order to make me feel better, daddy allowed me to be involved in the entire "buying-a-car" process.

I've always loved Jaguar.

(I've got to admit, I like Jaguar because superficially I was attracted by the small Jaguar statue that is sticking out in front of the car: I find it extremely cute.) OK, back to the point, believe it or not, I like Jaguar is because I've always admire Jaguar's sense of majestic-ness. Hence I suggested Jaguar to daddy. Maybe great minds think alike, daddy was considering Jaguar as well.

So soon, we decided on Jaguar. I gave my views on the colours of the exterior and interior of the car, the kind of car plate to be used...etc. Daddy, mummy took most of my suggestions therefore, practically, I was the one making all the decision regarding the car. I was totally involved in this process and I was enjoying it.

When we received the car, everyone was exhilariated. I was the most excited one as I considered the car to be the baby of my decisions. Mummy suggested that we should give the small Jaguar statue a name. Without our consent, she name it 'Nancy.' Net and I were against it but sooner or later, we called it Nancy without even realising it.

Last year, some rascals stole 'Nancy' - the small Jaguar statue. We felt sorry and devastated. Then we've got it replaced and then we named the new small Jaguar statue 'Albert'.

Jaguar had always been there for the family when we need it. I don't know about the family but I was very thankful. I vowed to myself, that I shall dedicated my first driving experience to Jaguar, my baby.

But everything has got it's working period. Dear old Jaguar had reached it's maximum working period. We have got to change.

I was against it. Jaguar was my baby! How could I forsake it for another car? Hence, this time, I pulled myself out of the "car-buying process". I refused to involve myself, not even going for test drive.

Last Saturday, We left Jaguar with the sales, and brought home a car that I'm totally unfamiliar with. Before we left the place, I gave 'Albert' the-small-Jaguar-statue a little pat and thats the last time I'll be able to see it.

I left with a heavy heart. I felt like crying. But I know, if my tears fall, daddy and mummy will definitely mock me. Hence, I maintianed my cool, and remained very very quiet throuhout the whole journey home. Of course occationally, mummy will ask me, if the the car is nice or not. I would give an insincere and untrue answer that the car was fantastic....etc.

Maybe because this time round I didn't involve myself too much with the car choosing and other stuff, I guess that explains why I felt less emotionally attached to Audi.

Audi can never replace Jaguar.
I guess it never will.


Monday, August 24, 2009


A wordy post.

Up to now, I've experienced rude bus drivers twice.
The 'first time' took placed last month, when I went out with my grandmother. It was a long day and the both of us were extremely exhausted. To head home, we waited for a single-even-digit bus at a bustop. A few minute passed, and that particular bus that we were waiting for arrived. I waved my hand to signal the bus driver to stop for us. However, that bus didn't stop and it drove pass the bus stop. In order to save us time and get home quickly, I was very determined to board that bus, hence, I waved hysterically at the bus driver in order for him to notice me. Thankfully, in the end he stopped and we boarded the bus.
On our way up, the bus driver scolded us for waving late, and had caused him to stop the bus illegally. Oh boy, was I mad! However, despite the frustrations and anger that are boiling inside me, I remained my cool and still replied him politely (in chinese): "Uncle, I did wave at you. I'm so sorry that you have serious eyesight problem, so much so that you can't even see my hand waving. I suggest you should give your eyes a check, or else you'll endanger our lives as passengers of your bus."

Well, that stopped him from talking, for goodness' sake.

The second time happened today. I left school to head home at around 5 this evening. Iwas waiting for a double-even-digit bus and it soon arrived after 15 minutes of wait. I boarded the bus, stood somewhere near the exit and stoned: Thinking about the amount of homework I've to do today, do some mental planning of things to do this week and of course in the mist of day dreaming, I immersed myself in to some random deep thoughts and drive myself into self pitying: how torturous and meaningless my life could be...
ANYWAY, thats not the point. The point is, when I'm arriving at my stop, I stepped forward, intending to press the bell to alert the driver to stop for me to alight. But someone beat me to it and rang the bell. Well, since someone had pressed the bell, theres no point for me to press anymore, hence i just stood at the exit and waited for the bus to stop.
Who knows, that bus driver didn't stop! I immediately rang the bell and again had caused the bus driver to stop the bus 'illegally'. Before I alight, the bus driver commented rudely (in singlish/chinese): "Don't press the bell last minute MAH!"
I got so frustrated and angry that I replied:"That bell was rang long time ago, I didn't know you were deaf."

and I got off.

These two drivers were completely insufferable. Blaming passengers for the mistakes they've made. How absurd and atrocious can they be? Super infuriating.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Six Harmonix

Today is a very special day.
Six Harmonix's first performance took place today, 19 August 2009!!!

Actually it is an audition for Teachers' Day concert, however, to me it is more of a performance than an audition. A pretty good experience for this young band indeed.


(*Clap * Clap * Clap)

Oh and... piano exam is on Friday. I'm so stressed out. I'll lose my sanity soon. Wish me luck people!
(Missing school, guitar as well as band prac on Friday.)

2nd Harmonix of the Six Harmonix
Vocalist :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stagnant. Frustrations. RANTS

Stagnant, dead, outdated - whatever vocabularies that you would use to describe my blog I don't care.

Nowadays, my life had been so meaningless and uneventful that even if I feel like posting something on the blog, I've totally nothing to write about.

I pretty gald that Six Harmonix is going on fine.
Guitar prac is good as well. Still having second thoughts about being a section leader: Too much work and commitment, I really don't have the time.
School work? Well all I can say is... IT IS PLUMMETING PLUMmetting Plummeting, plummeting and plummeting....
Piano, is driving me insane, I'm going bonkers. Exam on the 21st. JUST MY LUCK.
Getting new handphone on the 21st or the 22nd.
Piling homeworks
Tests lining-up
Feel like jamming and singing, devote myself totally to music, BUT NO! I have to study.
Feel like going on a tour, just to escape myself from all of these nonsense. BUT NO! I have to attend school.
Feel like screaming my head off just to vent my frustrations. BUT NO! I'll disturb my neighbours.


I'm amused... How aimless and meaningless my life is.
