Sunday, August 30, 2009


Went to the petrol station just now with Net to get ourselves some snacks. As we've collected ourselves a mountain of snacks, both of us were too scared to move around - as a slight movement may caused the whole mountain of snacks to collasp - which neither one of us wanted it to happen, so we picked the nearest cashier to queue in order to minimise movement.

The couple infront of us took uber-freaking long time, so we waited...and waited...and waited... Finally when it is our turn, the idiot cashier threw the "counter close" sign at us and points to the loooonnnggg queue beside us. Implying that the actual queue is that one. Then he murmurs to himself saying: "I don't serve 'Cut-Queuers'."

WTH!!!! OK!!! I got your message you bigsizeuglyold-attitude-problematic idiot!!! We didn't know alright? As a service provider, isn't he suppose to direct us to the other queue when he already saw us/know that we are queueing at the wrong line? Attitude problem MUCH!!!! The worse part is, he served the guy queueing behind us. OH, so that guy behind isn't a 'Cut-Queuer'?! WTH?! I feel like slapping him; hurling vulgarities at him but Net being a kind soul, stopped me.

OK. So we went to the actual line to queue.

AND GUESS WHAT! WHEN IT'S OUR TURN, HE IS THE ONE TO SERVE US AGAIN!!! OK~ thats irritating, but I maintained my cool. I threw the things that I was holding on the counter table and gave him a death glare. He unhappily, stuffed all my things into a bag and stood there like a piece of wooden block waiting to be chopped. I threw a piece of 50 dollars at him, snatched my change and walked off.

That was really irritating and infuriating.
Can't believe it.
