Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stagnant. Frustrations. RANTS

Stagnant, dead, outdated - whatever vocabularies that you would use to describe my blog I don't care.

Nowadays, my life had been so meaningless and uneventful that even if I feel like posting something on the blog, I've totally nothing to write about.

I pretty gald that Six Harmonix is going on fine.
Guitar prac is good as well. Still having second thoughts about being a section leader: Too much work and commitment, I really don't have the time.
School work? Well all I can say is... IT IS PLUMMETING PLUMmetting Plummeting, plummeting and plummeting....
Piano, is driving me insane, I'm going bonkers. Exam on the 21st. JUST MY LUCK.
Getting new handphone on the 21st or the 22nd.
Piling homeworks
Tests lining-up
Feel like jamming and singing, devote myself totally to music, BUT NO! I have to study.
Feel like going on a tour, just to escape myself from all of these nonsense. BUT NO! I have to attend school.
Feel like screaming my head off just to vent my frustrations. BUT NO! I'll disturb my neighbours.


I'm amused... How aimless and meaningless my life is.
