Monday, August 24, 2009


A wordy post.

Up to now, I've experienced rude bus drivers twice.
The 'first time' took placed last month, when I went out with my grandmother. It was a long day and the both of us were extremely exhausted. To head home, we waited for a single-even-digit bus at a bustop. A few minute passed, and that particular bus that we were waiting for arrived. I waved my hand to signal the bus driver to stop for us. However, that bus didn't stop and it drove pass the bus stop. In order to save us time and get home quickly, I was very determined to board that bus, hence, I waved hysterically at the bus driver in order for him to notice me. Thankfully, in the end he stopped and we boarded the bus.
On our way up, the bus driver scolded us for waving late, and had caused him to stop the bus illegally. Oh boy, was I mad! However, despite the frustrations and anger that are boiling inside me, I remained my cool and still replied him politely (in chinese): "Uncle, I did wave at you. I'm so sorry that you have serious eyesight problem, so much so that you can't even see my hand waving. I suggest you should give your eyes a check, or else you'll endanger our lives as passengers of your bus."

Well, that stopped him from talking, for goodness' sake.

The second time happened today. I left school to head home at around 5 this evening. Iwas waiting for a double-even-digit bus and it soon arrived after 15 minutes of wait. I boarded the bus, stood somewhere near the exit and stoned: Thinking about the amount of homework I've to do today, do some mental planning of things to do this week and of course in the mist of day dreaming, I immersed myself in to some random deep thoughts and drive myself into self pitying: how torturous and meaningless my life could be...
ANYWAY, thats not the point. The point is, when I'm arriving at my stop, I stepped forward, intending to press the bell to alert the driver to stop for me to alight. But someone beat me to it and rang the bell. Well, since someone had pressed the bell, theres no point for me to press anymore, hence i just stood at the exit and waited for the bus to stop.
Who knows, that bus driver didn't stop! I immediately rang the bell and again had caused the bus driver to stop the bus 'illegally'. Before I alight, the bus driver commented rudely (in singlish/chinese): "Don't press the bell last minute MAH!"
I got so frustrated and angry that I replied:"That bell was rang long time ago, I didn't know you were deaf."

and I got off.

These two drivers were completely insufferable. Blaming passengers for the mistakes they've made. How absurd and atrocious can they be? Super infuriating.
