Monday, February 28, 2011

The happening week starts now....

I'm anticipating a rather happening week ahead.
There will be tears and laughter - but more tears I guess.

I hope I can start this emotional roller coaster ride on the right note: Tomorrow's piano exam. Everything seems fine, I seem well prepared and definitely more confident than previous tries, however I cannot ignore the fact that I might freak out during the exam and screw things up like I did previously. I need something to calm my wrecking nerves if I ever do freak out tmr. Cross my fingers, and hope I'll do well.

Everyone is saying that A level results will be released this friday. Well, I'm going to brace myself for another round of family war because of my atrocious results. Will miracle happen?

Dear is booking out on Wednesday, thats definitely a YAY for me. However if his book out time is later than 9pm, I can't go down to fetch him. T_T Anyway, we are going for a movie on Thursday, so ya, still a YAY. ^^

Starting my TPGE work on Wednesday^^ Sweet.
After tomorrow, I need to start drilling my theory work because theory exam is on sat afternoon. Saturday night? going to attend JJ Lin's Concert.

If I'll feel down and upset, I need to try and pick up myself quickly. Because the world will not stop for me when I fell, I'll need to work harder, stand up and catch up with the world's pace.
"If life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile." (Its a nice quote I read online, can't remember the source; Let me know if you know thanks.)


Saturday, February 26, 2011


Off from work til 7 March because of my music exams.
Working in Acme Focus is mentally challenging, because the fact that I don't require much brain effort, I struggle a lot to keep myself awake. Its utmost important because I'm sitting right in front of the door, I don't want any clients to see me dozing off and have bad impressions of Acme Focus.

Try playing piano non stop for almost 8 hours a day, same songs, same scales and same arpeggios. I ought to give myself a break, but if I stop playing it would mean that I'm rotting my time away, and if I did badly for my exam, I would blame myself to no end.

Anyway, gonna start a drawing blog to share my work with everyone, so stay tuned ^^

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Piano Exam

Piano exam is just next week and it is stressing me out. The thought of freaking out in the middle of the exam is really terrifying. I have got to clear this exam because I wouldn't wanna stuck at grade 5 forever.

Anyway, practiced the whole day, and I think I strained my right arm muscle. I need to take a break before studio session tomorrow. My pieces are alright but definitely not my scales. I hate those irritating scales. Why can't they just disappear?! 20 plus scales, they've got to be kidding me.

I can't think of anything else besides the practical exam right now. I'm even compromising my theory sessions for practical - and the worst part is, my theory exam is just four days away from the date of my practical!!! This is nightmare!!! 2nd to 4th March I'm gonna drill myself on theory big time. But worry not, as a matter of fact, my theory is much stable than my practical, so I shan't be too bothered about not spending enough time on theory.

Cross my fingers... Hope I don't freak out again like I did previously... :(


Saturday, February 19, 2011


The days have been going on rather slowly.
I cannot imagine myself doing the same thing over and over again for three days, not to even mention that Dear has to do it for two weeks.

Piano exam and theory exam are just around the corner, just one week away actually. Frankly, I don't panic as much now because I see myself improving. However I worry that I may not have enough time to practice my scales and pieces next week because I officially have to go down to AF and report for work.

My exam week is the week when Dear book out, and probably the released of my A levels results. I mean seriously? Am I suppose to feel happy or sad?

Well I had a dream regarding my results yesterday. I got B for both my H1s, two As and one B for my H2!!! HAHA!!! Well looks good, but I said its a DREAM. Which usually... doesn't happen in reality. T_T
I'm gonna brace myself for an undesirable outcome.

1st March: Piano Practical exam
2nd March: Dear book out
4th March: Supposed release date of A levels result.
5th March: Music theory exam
6th March: Dear book in

How wonderful?
Imagine the emotional turmoil I'm gonna go through that week...

28th Feb to 1st March before piano exam I'm gonna feel super stress. After 1st march 1pm, I'll feel sad and happy at the same time. (Sad because I'll probably screw my exam up again, happy because Dom is booking out the next day.)
Then come 2nd March, I'll be super delighted which will last all the way til end of 3rd March.
Here comes 4th March, I'm gonna be super depress because of my atrocious results, but I'll have to pick myself up and not let it affect my music exam the next day, so I'll have to hold back my depression.
5th March, morning til 5pm I'll be stress, after 5 pm I'll continue to feel sad about my A level results.
Then 6th March, I'll be even more emotional because Dom booking in again....
Ya you know, the second week of march will be the healing week and what not...

Should I or should I not look forward to that week? *sigh*.... Whatever it is, it will come eventually, need to steel myself for whatever unhappiness that may come my way.


Friday, February 18, 2011


Free time is officially over.
Next week onwards gonna be very busy.

Should I be happy or sad?


Sunday, February 6, 2011


I'm glad everything is back to normal... at least for now.
Mahjong has became our pastime, leave small gambling aside, the key thing is, while on the mahjong table, we communicate. Thats a good sign I suppose.

I don't know how long this happiness will last, I got a feeling it won't last very long, since my results are coming soon. I'm expecting another round of "turbulence". Similarly, I'm expecting another round of emotional turmoil - triggered by my results and the possible fact that my Dear weren't be with me. Sometimes, even if I've expected it, but I just can't help to feel disappointed. Perhaps, theres a part of me that wish for miracle to happen, or maybe theres a small tinge of optimisim in me.

Its okay Jean, you have ben through so many downs alone, I'm pretty sure you can get through this one. Yes, I certainly hope so.

Can I still believe that miracles do happen?
Miracles don't happen twice right? So I suppose it won't happen this time round...


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

Why am I still awake at this ungodly hour? you ask.

Theres this saying, the longer the children stays awake at the eve of the Chinese New Year, the longer his/her parents and grandparents will live.
Regardless its a myth or a fact, for the sake of tradition, both my parents and grandparents, I'm gonna do it.

Since I really have nothing to do right now, all I could do is... Blog.

Lets start things out with a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR PEOPLE!!! ^^ Stay happy and healthy. Have a wonderful year ahead.

This blog has been running for almost 4 years now. Many times I've toyed with the idea of shutting it down, because for the past few months, emo-posts are thriving over happy posts. This is sad because it signifies that my life is full of unhappiness isn't it. And not to mention, the irony of the name of the blog: Vivace Repertoire, when nothing in it seems... Vivacious.
But then again, its a pity to just close it down. Yes, I know I've a lot of junk entries and whatnot, but they are still part of my life. And thats what constitute me as an individual. If I just deactivate this blog, means that all of my entries thoughout these 4 years would be gone. And judging by my short term memory situation, I can kiss all these memories goodbye, they can never be remembered ever, again. So ya, I shall bear with it, and make sure I produce some quality entries to compensate for the...low quality oneS.

Anyway, a new year ahead, I'm gonna make myself useful. No more being lazy. Its gonna be tough but I've gotta try it somehow.

Everything has been going on fine with me and Dear, hope it will continues on.

Another abrupt ending to an entry. Haha!

Til then