Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Home bound

I'm officially addicted to playing the piano.
Woke up at 8 today, and played the piano til now, and I'm planning to get back to it afterwards.
Well, tried some new songs, and attempted to perfect TOP CAT.
Can't believed I could actually spend my whole day on the piano, that definitely a good sign, means my passion for piano has came back.

I'm still deciding if I should buy that music box. I mean ya, I love it but I'm unemployed now so I really shouldn't spend so much. T_T Unless... some kind souls are willing to buy it for me I'd greatly appreciate. ^^

Registered for driving lesson. Yes, like finally?! Well I did mentioned before the reason that deterred me from driving lessons were the amount of crashes I've made while playing driving simulation games in the arcade. I really do hope the simulations are different from actual driving. T_T All lessons will commence in May.

Anyway, hope my application as a SPCA volunteer gets approved soon, cause staying at home is boring and I'm too lazy to work, so now, volunteer work would be the most ideal. So if everything goes well, I'd have volunteer work, guitar teaching, driving lessons and piano lessons to keep me occupied for the upcoming months.

What do I do when I'm at home? Play my piano, play the guitar, sing, draw, write my stories, house chores... Well practically they are the things that I wanted to do when I was still schooling. I was always complaining that school has taken away my time to do all these things. Now? When I'm not schooling, I complain that after I've done all of the above, I still have excess supply of time in hand and I have no idea how to spend it.

Go back to school shall we?

Well til then ^^

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I've made some deep realisations over the week.
I'm pretty much cleared of my doubts and anxieties now.
I mean I should be more contented with what I have right now, I really shouldn't ask for more. I'm thankful that I've made it this far. I'll continue on.

Well, its undeniable that these worries might just surface again... But, I will try to not think of them.

I need to learn just one more thing.
Place more trust in people around me.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Get well soon

I don't whats happening to my throat, I haven't been speaking much for the past few days because it hurts so bad, that I would rather resort to body language as my form of communication between people, than talking.
I hope I would at least regain ten percent of my voice so I can teach the J1s tomorrow. I'm already on two days medical leave and I don't want a third day.

What do you do when you are so free at home? I was downloading apps from the market. :P Yeah, I've downloaded a diary app on my phone LOL, I have no idea how useful it is, but frankly, I downloaded it because of the user interface. Hopefully it can replace my hardcopy diaries and save some trees lol!!!

Anyway, I need to get well soon, so I won't rot at home and allow my mind to run wild. I really hate thinking so much. Worrying, its a killer. Its torturing me to no end and I hate it.


Monday, March 7, 2011

The answer

I'm happy for those who have found their direction in life; Those who are still searching don't worry about it because you will find it one day.

As for me? I'm again neither here nor there. I think I've found it, but at the same time, I'm still doubtful about it, so have I found my path? I guess it is still a question.

I've always made my decisions based on my parent's expectations, now that I'm asked to do what I really want, I seem to struggle. What I really want? A question that has been ringing in my head ever since last Friday. But I can't seem to find the answer, and I can't ask anyone for help because if I don't know what I want, I suppose no one else would know (unless they could read my mind better than I do).

It seems like I can no longer escape this question anymore. I ought to see it coming. I should have prepared myself earlier. What happened to the Jean who always plan ahead? Where has she gone to? Where is she when I need her for the answer to my question?


Sunday, March 6, 2011


Before I start on anything, well 'm glad that the happening week has come to an end. Well I expected myself to feel down because of my A levels results and my piano exam, but apparently I didn't. So this week seems generally happy. Of course, I have quite a few emotional moments because I have some personal issues to deal with and up til now I'm still bugged by it, but I hope it will go away soon.

I need to make a trip to DTE to buy that beautiful music box but next week I'll be overloaded with work (because of the one week leave I took) so, dear music box, do wait for me to get you home someday ya?

Anyway, when I was still a child, my teacher loved to make my class write compositions about our ambition. My ambition ranged from a farmer, to a vet, then a doctor to becoming a pilot, a musician, an artist, teacher, astronaut... etc. The fact is, I haven't gave much thought about what I would like to be when I grow up, because to me at that point in time, deciding my career seems so far away.

Who knows, NOW, I'm at this crossroad trying to figure out exactly what I would like to do when I enter the workforce. I'm trying to reconcile my dreams and reality, trying to find a balance between the both. I hope to do something I like but at the same time I could feed myself as well as a family with my job.

I need to pry into my heart and really ask myself what is it that I want. Because I've regretted my choice two years ago, I don't want to make another choice that will make me regret even further.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A good start indeed

Okay, believe it or not, my piano exam was fine. As in FINE!!! There is a possibility that I could pass this time round!!! HAHA!!! XD
Well unless of course, the only thing that would pull my grades down and make me fail would be my aural test. T_T
I'M A VOCALIST!!! THE EXAMINER ACTUALLY GRIMACED WHEN I'M HAVNG MY AURAL TEST!!! Sight reading was bad enough, sight sing? Leave me alone!!!

Okay, well since its over, I shan't be bothered by it anymore. Went for a haircut and highlighted my hair. :) LOVE IT!!! XD

Seems like its a good start to this "Happening week" but I'm not too sure if I can end this week on a high note or not. Tomorrow Dear will be booking out, but don't think I can go see him because its too late. Anyway, YES!!! Going TPGE to help out = HAPPY!!!

Now lets mug for the theory exam. T_T


Til then,