Sunday, March 6, 2011


Before I start on anything, well 'm glad that the happening week has come to an end. Well I expected myself to feel down because of my A levels results and my piano exam, but apparently I didn't. So this week seems generally happy. Of course, I have quite a few emotional moments because I have some personal issues to deal with and up til now I'm still bugged by it, but I hope it will go away soon.

I need to make a trip to DTE to buy that beautiful music box but next week I'll be overloaded with work (because of the one week leave I took) so, dear music box, do wait for me to get you home someday ya?

Anyway, when I was still a child, my teacher loved to make my class write compositions about our ambition. My ambition ranged from a farmer, to a vet, then a doctor to becoming a pilot, a musician, an artist, teacher, astronaut... etc. The fact is, I haven't gave much thought about what I would like to be when I grow up, because to me at that point in time, deciding my career seems so far away.

Who knows, NOW, I'm at this crossroad trying to figure out exactly what I would like to do when I enter the workforce. I'm trying to reconcile my dreams and reality, trying to find a balance between the both. I hope to do something I like but at the same time I could feed myself as well as a family with my job.

I need to pry into my heart and really ask myself what is it that I want. Because I've regretted my choice two years ago, I don't want to make another choice that will make me regret even further.
