Thursday, November 29, 2007



Seriously, I find it meaningless to sleep when the time had already past 4am.So instead of turning in now and wake up late tomorrow, I decided to stay up for the rest of the night. Hoping to be one of the first to capture a beautiful sight - the arrival of dawn.

Actually came to the thought of it, I didn't stone away my time like I did previously. I mean, I was actually dealing with my art assignment, and I found it really miraculous as I really hate art. I never expected myself to sacrifice my sleep for art you know. Although staying up till now, the piece of art work is still no way near completion. HATE IT.

Man!! Can't wait for 22 December!!! That day meant so much to me and I am so gonna enjoy myself!!!

HAHA, just knew that Xav boy boy, had performed in his kindergarden concert. Haha happy for him. Xav boy boy jia you!!!

OK, gotta get to work, with the rate I am going, I will never be able to finish the art piece by the deadline. Oh... what a drag.



Sunday, November 18, 2007



Pathetically, I am very bored. I seriously have nothing to do. Want to finish my script, but I am just too lazy to think of any good storylines for it. Want to start on my manga illustration, but it is just too much work. Want to turn in, but not sleepy yet.

In the other words, I am just too lazy to do anything.

Can't wait for wednesday, my long awaited comic would be release on that day. I'm so gonna purchase it. Hahaha. Saddening enough, my Negima volume 20, isn't out yet, I've been pending for it since 1 month ago....

Writing a script about french cuisine and etc. It is really too much work and too much things to know. That explains why I don't feel like finishing that script. I mean, I have to know majority of the food's name, how do prepare it so that the taste of the food will be superb, and the position of the kitchen brigade and etc etc. Gosh, what have done to myself??? I should just write a story for babies. Wouldn't that makes my life simpler?

Ok, ok. Have to stop lazing around and get started with my manga illustrations, revise my subject and finish my script by the end of the year. Gosh, So much things to do. Am I up to it to finish all this by the deadline?

Doubt so.



Afterwords of the BBQ today

After-words of the BBQ today

My comments about the BBQ: Not great, Not terrible, Only Passable.

Well not to deny, it was a whole new experience for me. I mean, hanging out with a whole group of elderly in their 60s or 70s for 6 hours. and to my surprise, they aren't that boring as we thought they were, they were actually very knowledgable and they LOVE TO JOKE. I gained new insights about them, and I learnt quite a few things from them. Fruitful indeed.

OH OH OH, by the way, we saw this Japanese handsome hunk, and sis went crazy over him. HAHAHA her face went blushing and was as red as an apple. Haha.

Then it came to the infuriating part of the day. There was this relative of mine. She is a primary school teacher, so I guess she was so fond of scolding her students that she treated us as her student and started to tell us off. I mean, hello???? although I said she was a relative of mine, (was all because my grandmother said so.) I have no single idea of how she is related to me. So what rights does she have to scold my sister and I especially when we DID NOTHING WRONG?

Curious of what happened huh? Well it all happened like this.

We reached the venue at 7pm+ and finished our dinner at about 8+, so we were sitting there minding our own business and occasionally, someone would come to us and offer us a piece of satay or chicken wing to eat and we would happily take it. When she arrived, at 9+, all she saw was people offering and not us taking. She went angry and started telling us off by saying it was a BBQ and it was suppose to be SELF-SERVICE.

HELLO???? It was not my first time attending a BBQ, of course I knew BBQ is self-service. It was just that we were not hungry, and we don't feel like eating anything. Occasionally, we just felt like pinching some food, so we accepted their offer, its not that we expected them to serve us, WHO THE HELL SHE THINKS SHE IS??? MY TEACHER??? IT ALREADY THE HOLIDAYS DOESN'T SHE KNOW THAT????

Ok, ok, ok, don't mention her anymore, the sight of her whole family irks me BIG TIME. Showing off, telling people how rich they were, how filial their children are, how sucessful their career was..... Woa.... DISGUSTING.

Well, overall it was a meaningful day, I get to spend my entire day with my grandmother and get to know those relatives better.

Great day afterall isn't it?



Saturday, November 17, 2007











Monday, November 12, 2007

Thank Yous

Thank yous

There were so many people went by and pass by my life. Some I could remember, some I could not. But there are three group of people that I would never forget, and one of the groups is 'my teachers'.

Why? you would definitely wonder... Why? I wonder myself too. No special reason, I just found out a few days ago. It was the time when I couldn't get to sleep, my mind started to reminisce the past. Surprisingly the most group of people I could remember was my form teacher/teachers throughout my entire primary school life.

So for now, right in this post, I want to show my gratitude for them. Thank them for playing a partial part in my life and make what I am today.

So here I go...

To: 张老师(My Primary 1 Chinese/Form teacher)
Thank you for teaching me, you made me realise my potential in doing well for chinese, which I really used to hate. you helped me to achieve my first 95 marks out of 100 for my chinese of my life, Thank you so much.

To: 陈老师(My Primary 2 Chinese/Form teacher)
Thank you for spanking me on the very little palm of mine with that huge metre rule which everyone in the class used to be afraid of. That very spanking of yours made me realise that it was wrong to play and fool around in class when the teacher is not around, and made me the first girl student in the list whom got spanked by you.

To: Mr Foo(My Primary 3 Math/Form Teacher)
Thank you. Although I kept failing my math, you never gave up on me. You showed concerned by finding numerous way to make me understand a simple topic of "Volume, Area and Perimeter". You never get fed up with me, always always made me the only one to stand up and answer your math questions. When I can't answer, you made me stand up the next round and continue until I could answer your questions. Because of you, I never gave up on my math even though, I still failed horribly.

To: Mdm/Mrs Low(My Primary 4 English/Form Teacher)
Thank you for not paying much attention to me, so that I could lead a carefree primary 4 life.

To: Miss Chew(at that time)/Mrs Tan(now)(My Primary 5 Math/Form Teacher)
Thank you for being such a fun loving teacher. You made my primary 5 life so enjoyable and meaningful. I respected you for your enthusiasm towards everything you do. You created a good rapport with your students including me, a quiet and shy girl who hardly talks at that time. I could still remember, during National Day period, the whole class, or rather the whole primary 5 level students, had to go for the NE show(NDP preview). We had to learn how to dance before we could go, you forced us to dance every day before we could go for our break until the day of NE show is over. Thank you, you made a good teacher, adding colours to my quiet and boring life of primary 5.

To: The most important teacher of all, Mdm Cheong(My Primary 6 Math/Form Teacher)
Before I write anything, heres a big THANK YOU.
You are the only teacher who could still remember me as a quiet and shy girl. Maybe was because I am the only one in class who put up my little hands and asked if I could volunteer myself to be the class monitress. Or maybe I am pathetically poor in math that you have to pay much attention to me. But anyway, because of my quietness, seriouly saying, not many teacher actually remembered me, that's why you are very important to me. You may discourage us by saying words that are displeasing to our ears, but in the end, I knew you meant well. When I showed you my progress report from my secondary school, I could see that your eyes were beaming with joy. Thank you in believing in me.

In overall, Thank you.



Saturday, November 10, 2007


Once he was like this....
What a beauty...


Now he was like this....

Poor thing....*sniff *sob

Why do you have to leave me???

*Sniff *Sobs.... WHY???

I am so lonely....

How could I live without you....How could I....How could I....How could I live without you....



Thursday, November 1, 2007




Time went by in a flash, and now, I am one of the most senior students in the school.

I still could remember it as clear as if it just happened yesterday. I was a newbie in TMS who knew nothing, standing in a new and strange surounding, looking around aimlessly, hoping to find someone I know.

Now, here I am so familiarized with the school that I used to feel strange about.

Hmmmm.... time.... passes so quickly that two years had gone. And now... NO MORE BRACES FOR ME!!!! WEE!!! Hahaha, I can eat whatever I want!!! Crab(who cares about allergy:P), Peanuts(YUM:D), Pizza(OH MY!!), Nice cold and frozed CHOCOLATE!!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!! :D

Still could remember the first time I had my extractions and my braces on. Felt helpless and sad as I can't even eat fried rice and things that I like. I only have congee to depend on to fill my stomach(though is only for the first three weeks:P). Oh, and I even felt sorry for my teeth being 'put behind bars'...TORTURE!!!


AH HEM....*calms down.

My.... the past... I had longed to taste the feeling again about what had happened during that time. The time when I was still a young child playing with my sister and cousins at the playground downstairs. The time when I do not have any academic worries and stress. The time when my grandparents were still around and could play with me. The time when there is only play and no study. The time when...

Nevermind whats past are past, I shall keep these memories in the deepest place in my heart where they belong....and they will always be.

