Sunday, November 18, 2007



Pathetically, I am very bored. I seriously have nothing to do. Want to finish my script, but I am just too lazy to think of any good storylines for it. Want to start on my manga illustration, but it is just too much work. Want to turn in, but not sleepy yet.

In the other words, I am just too lazy to do anything.

Can't wait for wednesday, my long awaited comic would be release on that day. I'm so gonna purchase it. Hahaha. Saddening enough, my Negima volume 20, isn't out yet, I've been pending for it since 1 month ago....

Writing a script about french cuisine and etc. It is really too much work and too much things to know. That explains why I don't feel like finishing that script. I mean, I have to know majority of the food's name, how do prepare it so that the taste of the food will be superb, and the position of the kitchen brigade and etc etc. Gosh, what have done to myself??? I should just write a story for babies. Wouldn't that makes my life simpler?

Ok, ok. Have to stop lazing around and get started with my manga illustrations, revise my subject and finish my script by the end of the year. Gosh, So much things to do. Am I up to it to finish all this by the deadline?

Doubt so.

