Sunday, August 31, 2008


Watched Wall-E yesterday!!! I like M-O and Eve!!! I love the way M-O's way of detecting and classifying Wall-E as "Foreign Contaminant" and his determination to clean Wall-E up. And EVE... no particular reason why, her appearance just appeals to me very much. :D

Initially, Net and I decided to watch "Journey To The Centre Of The Earth". I know its kind of late but due to prelims, I have no choice but to watch it now. Unfortunately the cinema did not schedule the movie in favour of our time, so Net told daddy that we will be watching Wall-E. He agrees readily and so off we went for the movie.

After we bought the ticket and snacks, while we were ready to go in, daddy saw the poster of Wall-E on the wall, he exclaimed. "You mean the robot thing is Wall-E?"
Net replied "Ya, if not what do you think it is?"
Dad said:"I thought the name of the movie Journey to the centre of the earth was Wall-E!!! I didn't expect it to be a robot show!!! How can you all trick me in to this???"


Anyway, I think he enjoyed the movie. Thats why I always say, Disney and Pixar's movies never fails to disappoint me. :P


Monday, August 25, 2008


A classic chinese poem by 孟郊.
My mother used to recite this everynight to make me sleep when I was young.



This poem triggers many memories I had with my late grandmother. Well I guess it will triggers the memories I had with my late great grandmother too.

Afterall, its about mother's love isn't it?



What a tough week. I never thought I need to write this entry. I thought I never have to.

For the past 6 days, I found myself in a difficult situation, as if I was practicing a high wire acrobat performance, struggling to balance myself emotionally and of course the stress of facing my prelims.

Someone left us in the family. It mades me think that life is very unpredictable. One moment shes there smiling happily at us and now shes not with us anymore. She left us peacefully, so I think its not respectful to feel sad. I think we shouldn't cry due to sadness, I bet she wouldn't want us to feel sad and cry either.

I remained solemn throughout the entire 5 days funeral ceremony. I didn't cry, even though I had the strong urge to do so.

Take a break from the sorrowness. I didn't know that I have such a big family that consist of so many relatives. It had been years since I last saw them. Guilty as charge, I felt that I did not spend enough time with them.

Now that she had left us, the link that connect me and them seemed to have broken. I wonder when will I see them again?

Then again, goodbye... great grandmother. You will always be in my heart.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Life could be very vulnerable...

Just a thought.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008




我常说一句话∶ “在我心里有一顿饭,不管吃多少遍都不厌倦。不是什么大鱼大肉或满汉全席,而是外婆的一碗白粥,加酱青,配一盘清炒青菜,腌制菜心和午餐肉。清清淡淡却百吃不厌。”





Monday, August 11, 2008


Just bought a new nail polisher block. Super-duper fascinated with the effect it appeared to have on my nails after buffering. Can't stop but to stare at my nails all day.

Back to the main point. Well my annual Classic Disney Motion Pictures-Fever came back for me again. Only a little later than usual, but thats okay. As long as this old friend of mine didn't forget to pay me a visit, I'm fine with it. Recently, I'm addicted to a song from the Disney's Pocahontas, Colours of The Wind. A very fine song indeed. It sent me thinking about how badly human had treated earth, and made me realised everything on this earth has a life, in regardless if they are a living thing or not.

Heres the lyrics of the song. Its very meaningful, it makes me cry you know....

Colours of the Wind
You think I'm an ignorant savage,
and you've been so many places I guess it must be so,
but still I can not see if the savage one is me,
How can there be so much that you don't know, you don't know...

You think you own whatever land you land on,
the earth is just a dead thing you can claim,
But I know every rock and trees and creatures,
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name.

You think the only people who are people,
Are the people who look and think like you,
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger,
You learn things you never knew you never knew.

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?

Come run the hidden pinetrails of the forest,
Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth,
Come roll in all the riches all around you,
And for once never wonder what they're worth.

The rainstorm and the rivers are my brothers,
And the heron and the otter are my friends,
And we are all connected to each other,
In a circle in a hoop that never ends.

How high does the sycamore grow?
If you cut it down, then you'll never know.

And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
For whether we are white or copper-skinned?
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains,
Need to paint with all the colours of the wind,
You can own the Earth and still,
all you'll own is earth until
You can paint with all the colours of the wind.
It makes a whole lot of sense actually, and they are right. I mean take this line for example: "how high does the sycamore grow? If you cut it down, then you will never know."

Logical isn't it?
Gaia is suffering now, should we not spare a thought fo her?

(((Being environmental conscious)))

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Last of Everything

"You must cherish the fact that your teachers still bother to scold you for not handing in your homework. When you proceed with secondary school life, your teacher may not even care if you hand up your homework or not."

This was the one and only sentence that my primary 6 subject teachers never fail to repeat when we are leaving the school and going on with secondary school life. At that time, I am definitely unhappy about it. It makes me very reluctant to leave school.

But now, I would hereby like to prove them wrong. My secondary school teachers still bother to scold us for not handing in our homework. In the other words, they still care for us.

Well even though the above sentence contains fallacies, now that I'm preparing to leave my secondary school and proceed with the post secondary school life. I am still hearing it. Not from my teachers (some of them did... I guess, I remember hearing them saying this....) but my friends who had already graduated and my parents.

This time, it does no impact on me..... Not!!! I'm still very upset about it... And I'm reluctant to leave again.

Last friday was the school's annual Cross Country cum National Day Celebration. I'm not the sporty-type of person and I classified myself as the 'Care Less and Lazy' type. So the word Cross-Country spoils my mood of enjoying and celebrating National day. I am so reluctant to go. But just two days before the event, something hit me real hard on the head. I told myself: "I must be nuts to miss this Cross-Country and National Day celebration! I may not have the chance to attend it again!!!"

Thus I went. Despite several excuses gave from my my lazy devilious self, still, I dragged my feet to East Coast Park and spend my morning with the school. Not for health concerns, that I want to wake up early and exercise, but for my school, because I want to spend my last of every school event with my teachers, my friends and my school. As I know, I might not have the chance to enjoy them... at the very least, not with Temasek Scondary School again.

Next would be the last annual Teacher's Day celebration for me. I would like to make it fruitful and enjoyable for all my teachers. And hopefully, on that day, it will earn a respectful, memorable, fun and honorary page in my memory album.

The Last of Everything.


Thursday, August 7, 2008


The 100th post!!! Not bad, not bad at all!!! For a 3 minute person like me, could keep a blog till now can be considered as a miracle!!!

First thing first. Well, now I can officially and finally add a 'Full-Stop' behind the phrase 'Class T-shirts'. I'm extremely happy with it.


Thirdly, I think I screwed up my english prelim paper 1 and 2 BIG TIME. Whats the point of being positive anyway? It never helps.

Fourth, If I can't go Korea or Japan this year end, PLEASE at least bring me to HONG KONG!!!! I LOVE HONG KONG and I'm dying to go there, SERIOUSLY!!!! MUMMY PLEASEASEASEASE!!!!! I WANT TO GO DISNEYLAND!!! And NO, I'm not a 5 year old kid. MUMMY I BEG YOU!!!! I WANT TO SEE MICKEY MOUSE!!!!



Monday, August 4, 2008


Someone once told me a story.
It is either about hedgehog or porcupines. Since I couldn't remember whether it is hedgehog or porcupines and I love hedgehog more, I shall use hedgehog. :D

I've learnt something from it and I would like to share it with everyone. :D

Here goes...

During winter time, a group of hedgehog would snug together in a hole to keep each other warm. But due to the fact that their spiny sharp spines are simply to spiny and sharp. While snuggling and keeping each other warm, their spine would hurt one another. Thus to prevent the spines from hurting themselves, they would have to break away, move away and stay away from each other. But when the weather is simply too cold, they have no choice but to move in again. And when their spines hurt each other, they will have to move out again. This process occurs over and over again until winter is over.

Likewise, friends should keep a distance away from each other so that both parties or involving parties would not get hurt easily. Friendship would therefore last.
