Thursday, February 26, 2009


The long awaits coffee-table had finally been delivered!


HOORAY to the fun that I've missed out yesterday, due to the fact that I have to rush home and wait for the table to be delivered yesterday right after Road Run.
And HOORAY to the excuses they gave me hinting that they can't make it to deliver that table yesterday.
Lastly HOORAY that they promised to deliver it today by 5pm.

So I waited... Its already 5:45pm.

At 6pm, Net reached home. She was like asking where is the table. I pointed to the empty space at the living room and said:"Oh there it is! Its transparent in colour! Can't you see it? Its gorgeous!!!"

Net eyed me.

So I waited... 6:30pm

and waited... 7:30pm

Finally *Ding Dong!!! 8:30pm.

Delivered by 5pm? Oh! I really didn't know that their 5pm is my 8:30pm!

I vowed to myself that if the coffee-table still ain't delivered to my house by today, I'm gonna sue that irritating company to no end.

Since its has already been delivered, I'll let the matter rest. :D

That table is seriously gorgeous. I chose it!!! and I love it!!! I've such good taste!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm HUNGRY!!!!






Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yes, I'm pretty much into town lately. No idea why.

Went town with Aisah, Adeline and Wilfred!!!

Anyway I'm still waiting for Adeline and Aisah to send me the photos. My darn phone ran out of battery before I could take any photos!

So Adeline, Aisah: May I know, "Why am I waiting?"


Its a pity Yining can't make it and poor Wilfred is like so alone. :P

We decided to walk from Wisma to Esplanade, its a crazy idea. However we didn't make it in the end because by the time we reached Plaza-Sing, its simply too late, Aisah's mum called and we had to go back.

But not to worry! We had made a pact: to finish our "journey" continuing from Plaza-Sing to Esplanade next time. :) I'm looking very forward to it!!!



Thursday, February 19, 2009


Darn you rashes!!!

Made me looked extremely germy!!!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I'm back!

Orientation Camp was FUN!!!

I've decided... I want to be OGL!!!

At first, I was very whiney about the camp. I don't really know anyone in my CG well. But in the end, everything turns out pretty well. My CG are full of wonderful people; the Student Councilors and OGLs were enthusiastic and GREAT!

Adeline said that I finally not "TMS-Sick" anymore. I'm pretty happy to hear that. This means that I can finally let go of TMS, adapt to changes around me and accept TPJC. WOO YAY! Nevertheless, I think I will still think of TMS, and will have the urge to go back. But, I will control myself until time allows.

At the same time, my ring finger had finally gotten use to its life without the ring. I'm very happy for it. Even though sometimes when it sees the ring, it still has the urge to put it back on, it held back the urge and put it away, until time allows.

I wish the camp could last abit longer. I love the Mass Dances, the telematches, Soul Night and Morning blast!!! I love cheering in the middle of the night with the school. I love my CG:09S10!!! my two wonderful OGLs!!! and my FAMILY: FALCON!!!



Till Then

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'll Survive

Yes I'm surviving... Yea?


Sunday, February 8, 2009


I had my career route planned.

I'll go for ACCA and become an auditor, a CPA singapore, for 5 to 10 years. If possible, I'll go for a mid-career change to become a POA teacher in secondary school. If possible, I would want to go back to teach in TMS. :P

I said, If Possible.

Which means if not possible, I 'll just stay and continue to be an auditor or an accountant for the rest of my life.

So no matter what I'll have to hang on and clear my A levels.

What a drag...

3 months ago I'm struggling with O'levels and now, ahead of me is A levels. Will this ever come to an end?

Till then

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Emotional and Sentimental Much?

Yes, I'm a very Emotional and Sentimental person.

In fact for the next few entries I'll try to be more Emotional and Sentimental than before.

Till then

Finger and Ring/ TMS and Me

I've got a ring.

I bought it four to five years ago when my family and I went for a holiday trip in Hong Kong. Hmmm... come to think of it, Hong Kong is a nice place, and I've been longing to go there again ever since then :P. Err... ok back to point...

Hong Kong has many shopping malls, that sells many wonderful articles of luxury. I didn't intend to buy that ring at first, however, that night, while we are visiting the mall, my companions simply couldn't resist their temptations and ended up buying a whole loads of stuff. Due to peer pressure, I simply can't lose out to them, I decided to buy something for myself. In other words, I'm just buying for the sake of buying. :P

I spotted a nearby shop that sells small accessories. Without having to consider much, I quickly marched in to the shop, and "grabbed" what fancies my eyes at that point in time.

Its that ring in which had caught my eye. Its pretty common ring. Nothing unique about it. It just happened to catch my attention at that particular moment. I bought it for S$2. Ever since, I've been wearing it on my Ring finger everyday and everynight.

Since I'm an impulsive consumer, I didn't really try out for the size and such. So after I bought it, I realised that, that ring could only fit in perfectly on my left Ring finger. :P

I've been wearing that piece of metal on my ring finger for a whole four/five years now. Unfortunately, my school didn't really allow such accessories to be found in student's possessions so I have to take it out during school hours.

However, like I've mentioned earlier, that old piece of metal had been there with me for four to five years, my Ring finger had already gotten used to a ring binded around it. And with the presence of the ring, it had instill a sense of security in me and at the same time in my Ring finger. Now I'm asked to remove the ring, myself and the Ring finger doesn't seem to agree, and always, the Ring finger and I felt that something is missing, and that sense of security is no longer there anymore. :(

Frankly speaking, I know, me and my Ring finger should quickly adapt to our changes and quickly get used to the life without the ring's companionship. We should move on with life, and understand that the ring is still with us, it will not leave us for another finger/owner, and we have to accept also to understand that we can only wear it occasionally.

I'm sure both of us, me and my Ring finger could let it go and seriously move on. And someday, I know could wear it full time again! Its just a temporary parting!

The above mentioned were true, however It had dawned upon me that the same situation applies to me and TMS. Taking the ring as TMS and my Ring finger as myself. I finally understood that I have to let TMS go. I have to accept my life without TMS.

Four to five years ago, I was posted to Temasek Secondary School after my PSLE. Seriously speaking, I felt nothing towards TMS at that point in time. I just go into the school for the sake of going in. But as time passes, throughout these four to five years, I've met many wonderful teachers and friends and I was simply amazed by what TMS had given me(if I'm a more 'enthu' person, TMS would give me even more). I grew a sense of belonging and affection towards the school. Its a feeling that I've never tasted in my whole entire life, and I'm pretty glad that I've felt it for TMS.

This week was a tough week for me emotionally. I've been trying to adjust myself to adapt to the sudden changes around me, and many of the times, I couldn't help it but to compare my new school with TMS. That makes my life really hard.

Mum's commented that I was childish, her comment hit me real hard the my head, and today, I think I've woke up. TMS won't be there for me forever, and of course at the same time, TMS won't leave me, its always there, in regardless at Upper East Coast Road or in my heart. I could still visit it occasionally when I miss it. And in the future, when I really become a sec sch teacher, I may even teach there full time! Its just a temporary parting between me and Temasek Secondary School! Besides, absence makes the hearts grow fonder!

I think I'm awake.

I think I'm starting to accept the changes surrounding me.

Next week I'm going back to TMS for the last time, until my SGC and O' level cert is ready.

Till then

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


2nd day of school.

Yes, I felt extremely down for these few days.

The reason doesn't lies with my new school, my new school was fantastic!

I was the problem.

I was extremely "TMS-SICK". I miss TMS so badly that sometimes I really have the urge to go right back in the middle of those boring lectures.

When Net and I was discussing about things used to happen in TMS, I get really emotional and many of the times, I have the urge to break down.

I missed my teachers' naggings, I somehow yearned for my principals' boring speeches, I missed the school's study area outside AVT where I spent most of my time studying for Os, I missed my classrooms, I missed the physics and chemistry labs that I used to screw up so many of my science experiments, I missed TMS' Mass CIP events, I missed the school's grand foyer and last but not least, TMS' school hall, where it had provided me with a stage and gave me my first performing exprience....

I'm sick.

I know I really should adapt to the changes happening around me but...

Oh nevermind. :(


Sunday, February 1, 2009

31 January 2009

[Yes, I know, its a dumb title. So last season and outdated. So please make do with it larh. :)]

Had lunch with Miss Soh, Munirah and Ruo Ning today. Although I just sits there and listen and I didn't do a lot of talking, I'm still pretty much happy catching up with them. :)

I've made up my mind. I want to be a permanent secondary school P.O.A/S.S teacher in TMS when I grow up.Ruo Ning and I had decided to be relief teachers in TMS after our A levels. So may be 2 years later, I'll be my teachers' colleague! :P

After the lunch, I went to my Aunt's place at Bishan for a dinner gathering. I've never been to her place alone before, so its quite a challenging task.

I got lost.

Yes go ahead and laugh. I got lost. Mainly was because, I turn right when my aunt told me to turn left. And when I'm suppose to turn right, I went left.

Well, in the end, I managed to find my way to her house. :P

When I reached, my aunt asked me if I had a hard time finding her house. In order save myself from explaining, I said no. :P

However, frankly speaking, I really shouldn't have a hard time finding my way to her house. Her house is actually pretty near the MRT station! It just that I've got serious direction problem so I went the wrong way and I got lost. :P (Come to think of it, before I set off to Bishan, Miss Soh asked me if I know my way or not. I've even told her that Singapore is not very big, I couldn't possibly lost my way. :P)

I made a fictional journal. I gave it away as a present. I very happy with what I've produced in a mere week, unfortunately, I've forgotten to keep one for myself. Sad.

Again, a sense of emptiness filled me up from top to toe after the lunch, while on my way to Bishan. I don't know why. I'll have to admit, I don't have the mood to have fun during the gathering.

I lost while playing the annual CNY Black-Jack game. (Its an annual thing, normally I don't gamble.) Everyone had striked at least 5 times of BJ combinations, while I only manage to strike once.

I'm not very lucky this year. Hopes next year would be better.

Sickly Lethargic