Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I'm back!

Orientation Camp was FUN!!!

I've decided... I want to be OGL!!!

At first, I was very whiney about the camp. I don't really know anyone in my CG well. But in the end, everything turns out pretty well. My CG are full of wonderful people; the Student Councilors and OGLs were enthusiastic and GREAT!

Adeline said that I finally not "TMS-Sick" anymore. I'm pretty happy to hear that. This means that I can finally let go of TMS, adapt to changes around me and accept TPJC. WOO YAY! Nevertheless, I think I will still think of TMS, and will have the urge to go back. But, I will control myself until time allows.

At the same time, my ring finger had finally gotten use to its life without the ring. I'm very happy for it. Even though sometimes when it sees the ring, it still has the urge to put it back on, it held back the urge and put it away, until time allows.

I wish the camp could last abit longer. I love the Mass Dances, the telematches, Soul Night and Morning blast!!! I love cheering in the middle of the night with the school. I love my CG:09S10!!! my two wonderful OGLs!!! and my FAMILY: FALCON!!!



Till Then