Sunday, February 1, 2009

31 January 2009

[Yes, I know, its a dumb title. So last season and outdated. So please make do with it larh. :)]

Had lunch with Miss Soh, Munirah and Ruo Ning today. Although I just sits there and listen and I didn't do a lot of talking, I'm still pretty much happy catching up with them. :)

I've made up my mind. I want to be a permanent secondary school P.O.A/S.S teacher in TMS when I grow up.Ruo Ning and I had decided to be relief teachers in TMS after our A levels. So may be 2 years later, I'll be my teachers' colleague! :P

After the lunch, I went to my Aunt's place at Bishan for a dinner gathering. I've never been to her place alone before, so its quite a challenging task.

I got lost.

Yes go ahead and laugh. I got lost. Mainly was because, I turn right when my aunt told me to turn left. And when I'm suppose to turn right, I went left.

Well, in the end, I managed to find my way to her house. :P

When I reached, my aunt asked me if I had a hard time finding her house. In order save myself from explaining, I said no. :P

However, frankly speaking, I really shouldn't have a hard time finding my way to her house. Her house is actually pretty near the MRT station! It just that I've got serious direction problem so I went the wrong way and I got lost. :P (Come to think of it, before I set off to Bishan, Miss Soh asked me if I know my way or not. I've even told her that Singapore is not very big, I couldn't possibly lost my way. :P)

I made a fictional journal. I gave it away as a present. I very happy with what I've produced in a mere week, unfortunately, I've forgotten to keep one for myself. Sad.

Again, a sense of emptiness filled me up from top to toe after the lunch, while on my way to Bishan. I don't know why. I'll have to admit, I don't have the mood to have fun during the gathering.

I lost while playing the annual CNY Black-Jack game. (Its an annual thing, normally I don't gamble.) Everyone had striked at least 5 times of BJ combinations, while I only manage to strike once.

I'm not very lucky this year. Hopes next year would be better.

Sickly Lethargic