Saturday, December 29, 2007

What a day...

What a day...

Yesterday evening, as Net needed to return to her school, I decided to bring her there and also I could do some shopping at the nearby shopping centre. Before we left the house I told Net...

Me: Net, please lock the door.
Net: Locked already.

When we reached there, Net left me alone at the shopping centre and she took off to her school. Whereas I shopped around the mall, bought lots of stuff, took my dinner and continued shopping. When the time reached around 7+pm, I decided to go home. I sms Net and told her instead of waiting for her I will be going home first. Then I called daddy to bring Net home when they were on the way back from work.

On my way home, I realised that the sky were covered with dark clouds, I knew its going to rain soon, so I started to plan what I am going to do after I reached home. I planned to take a bath, make myself a cup of hot chocolate, sit on the sofa and watch TV until daddy and mummy brings Net home. WOOO, COZY!!!

When I finally reached home, I stood outside my door, searching every single pocket for my keys, but it was no where to be found. I digged into my bag hoping to find that sickening bunch of keys. Soon after I realised that the keys aren't with me. I remembered I didn't bring along the keys with me. Net was the one locking the doors before we left, so... THE KEYS WERE WITH HER!!!!


Good thing grandma lives just nearby and she holds a copy of my house key. So I went over asking for the key. But to my horror *ligtning strikes*... SHES NOT IN!!!!


Now what do I do??? I mean what can I do?? Daddy and Mummy won't be back by 10+pm. I don't have my grandma's handphone number. I could only sit by the swimming pool...for hours.


When the time reaches 9pm, I saw my grandma. I ran up to her and asked for the key. Finally, I could enter my home. As planned, I took a bath, made myself a cup of hot chocolate and laid on the sofa like a couch potato...

Not long after, I received a sms from my sis...

Net: What???!!! Go home??? Do you have the key???

Great... just great...



I Broke a glass...AGAIN!!!

I broke a glass...AGAIN!!!

OK...I broke a glass... AGAIN.

How many times this year already??? Let me count... hmmm... I've got 12 glass at home... and now I am left with 4, so.... I've broken 8 cups this year!!! WOO HOOO!!!

(Original Conversation)
Mum: 喂!发生什么事??
Me: 没有!!!我打破了一个杯...
Mum: 什么???!!!
Me: 我打破杯...
Mum: 喂!!!家里的杯全部被你打破了你知道吗???
Me: 知道...不过没有全部啦,我还剩4个!!!:D
Mum: 我看,迟早那4个也保不住了!!
Me: 不会打破的啦!!!
Mum: 不可以,以后不可以买玻璃杯,给你这样一直打破,我会破产啊!!!

(English translated Conversation)
Mum: Wha...What happened???
Me: Nothing!!! I just... broke a cup....
Mum: You what???
Me: Just broke a cup???
Mum: Hello!!!??? Do you have any idea that you are the only one who breaks all the cups in the house??
Me: I know... but I didn't break them all, I'm still left with 4 cups!!! :D
Mum: Believe me, that 4 cups' days are numbered.
Me: Come on... I won't break it anymore.
Mum: I think we can't purchase anymore glass material cups, they won't live long in our house, and with the "breaking glass" rate you were going, I will go bankrupt in no time.



Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Last gathering for year 2007

Last gathering for year 2007

25 December 2007, Christmas, marks the very ending of family gatherings I've had for the whole of 2007.

Today, I attended the very last gathering I've had for the year.

Every year, I always am reluctant to go for this gathering, organised by the relatives from my father's side. Not because I get all emotional for attending that very last gathering, it was because that this would be ranked the most boring gathering I've ever been to for the entire year.

This year is no exception. :(

I don't blame the organiser, you know. I mean this annual gathering is only 2 years old. That organiser only had 2 years of experience for organising a gathering. So if he/she doesn't do a fantastic job, I wouldn't be surprised.

I dreaded to go there. I have no cousins or relatives whom I'm able to "click" with. I went there merely because I didn't want to disappoint my grandmother. As you see, the sight of family reunion makes her really happy.

The age range over there were wider (4yrs to 70yrs) as compared to the relatives on my mother's side (1yrs to 40yrs). As there were so many children age under 5, the whole focus was on them. And for my age-ranged cousins, were all book-worms. So to them, I am the rebelious one as compared to the book-worm cousins.

Even my parents were bored, and start playing with the handphone games (rare sight indeed).

I know, they wanted to create that kind of party, celebrative atmosphere. But for their serious and tense characteristics, it will not be successful.



New drawing blog

New drawing blog

Since I have drawn countless pictures, mum suggested me to post up my pictures on the web, so as to share my pics with every one. After I been through severals consideration, I decided to take up my mum's suggestion. So my "Drawing Blog" will be launching in no time :P.

Will be looking forward to my new drawing blog :P.



Sunday, December 23, 2007

My Bdae cum X'Mas Party Afterwards

My BDae cum X'Mas Party Afterwards

I am really happy with what happened yesterday.

First of all I would liked to thank Uncle Felix and Aunt Belinda for organising this party and making all this possible. :D

Second, my family for the ice-cream cake and everything they gave me throughout my 16 years. :D

Third, my relatives who turned up for the party. The party won't be successful without their presences. :D

Yesterday was memorable indeed. Especially the ice-cream cake.

About the cake:
As we forgot to defrost the cake before the "Cutting cake ceremony", my uncle, my aunt and my father had a difficult time cutting the cake.

At first they thought that the cake was not that frozen and hard to cut, so they used a fruit knife to do the cutting.
Then they realised that the cake was as hard as a rock, so they changed the fruit cake into a vegetable knife.
Later, they found out that even the vegetable knife still couldn't "budge in", they decided to changed the vegetable knife into a chopper.

But it is of no use, then my uncle GST suggested to heat up the chopper, so that the heat could help in melting the ice.But that hard up ice still won't let the knife cut it, so the heating method had failed.

Then later my father suggested that we should sharpen the knife, so that it would agrees with one of the physics theory. The theory says that, even when the interaction surface is small, a normal force could create a large pressure on an object. This is why a shaper knife could cut better than a blunt and dull knife as the dull knife has a larger surface area than a sharp knife. But my daddy's theory were overthrown by my uncle GST, he said his heating method was better. And to cut that hard up cake has nothing to do with sharpening the knife or not. We decided to try my daddy's method out, but unfortunately, uncle Felix don't have a knife sharpener, so my father's method is not possible.

At wits' end, we decided to leave the cake in the fridge to let it defrost itself, the "Cutting cake ceremony" will have to wait. :D

Never knew dry ice could be such a good tempreture keeper.
That hard up cake

About the fun:
I played bingo with Aunt belinda, Aunt Joyce, Net, Xavier and Junli for the first round. :D Xavier boy boy was so excited to play, before we were even prepared to play, he quickly took a number and shouted: "NUMBER 31!!!". Many funny things happened throughout the game, especially when Xavier kept telling us: "我要Bingo了". When there are still many numbers more for him to cover on his card. In the end, I won the game instead. :D
Then for the second round, Isabel and Emily arrived. They joined in the game whereas Xavier and Net quits. As the duo felt bored and decided to play with each other. (Xavier was fumbling with her MP3) For the second round, I won too. :D. What a lucky day!
Then it comes to baby Anthea. She seriously likes to eat. Everytime she sees that there is something for her to eat, she will definitely seize the opportunity. When someone takes away her food, she would cry. By just looking at her makes me happy.

About the talk:
When Isabel's family and Jason's family left, the remaining females sat around the dining table to gossip and chat.

And that ends my day.

Fun day indeed, I am very happy with it, thanks again to all the relatives and my family to spend this special day with me.



Thursday, December 20, 2007

Finally, got out of Hei-Bai's hand!!!!

Finally, got out of Hei-Bai's hand!!!!

Haha, thought it was a difficult task to get pass Hei-Bai, but it wasn't as hard as I thought.

Got fed up with Hei-Bai so I asked Net for help. Who knew she made it through in mere seconds.

Me: Gosh!!! How did you do that???
Net: I merely just right clicked on the bottom right airshield button on the screen.
Me: HUH!?!?!?
Net: Hey it was easy, I wonder how come you need to struggle so much??? HAHAHA.
Me: Shut up...

Now I realised how come I couldn't get through for the past 24 hours, because I left clicked on that right side airshield button.

Seriously, there is something wrong with my common sense. I should have noticed that left side buttons were meant for left click, whereas right side buttons were meant for right clicked.....


By the way, got myself a new spectacle, looks nice, but still haven't got used to the new eye-sight degree...

Looking forward to Saturday. My birthday, my ice-cream cake and of course, getting to play with Xavier boy boy :D.

2 days, 48 hours, 2880 minutes, 172800 seconds to go...



Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I am stuck with HEI-BAI !!!!

I am stuck with HEI-BAI!!!!

WAAAAA!!!!! It is so infuriating!!!! When I started playing with my Avatar: The Last Airbender PC game, I got stuck with HEI-BAI the Nature Spirit and couldn't get out of the situation. I couldn't fight him nor defence myself with air shield!!!! I AM JUST A HELPLESS AVATAR!!!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO???

HEI-BAI Let me go please!!!!! I promise to be more environmental concious!!!!! Forgive me and let me go!!!!

3 more days to my birthday...*sob....hei-bai...
72 more hours, 4320 more minutes, 259200 more seconds to go....*sniff...Hei-Bai...



Overview of my Hols

Overview of my Hols

I had been working for my parents since the first week of holidays. Experiencing the routine of a worker.

8am: Wake up... Oh... what a drag...
9am: Start working....
11am: Start pending for lunch break...
12pm: Hurray!!! LUNCH BREAK!!!
2pm: Awww.... lunch break over....
3pm: No mood for work.... starts fidgeting... sleepy...
4pm: Energized... preparing to pack up and go home...
4.30pm: Received notice of OT from boss.... awww...
5pm: Cannot go home.... *sob *sniff *bawl.... no choice... work lorh...
6pm: .... Still working...
7pm: Dinner breaks....
8.30pm: Continue to work....
9pm: Finally.... Go home!!!!

Then the next day repeat the whole thing all over again.....

Good thing, I work for my parents, so OTs ends quite early.... or else...

So for the past 2 months, I looked and acted just like a unpassionate worker, always pending for breaks and dismissal from work. Haha.

But beside being an unpassionate worker, there were things I actually gained from it. For example, it improved my communication with people, helped with my POA and last but not least I could sneak out and go shopping during lunch break, and recently I just bought a fabulous Avatar: The Last Airbender PC game :D.


Oh well... 4 more days to my birthday!!!! looking forward to spend my birthday with my family and my beloved Xavier :D, also and that huge Icecream cake that I couldn't wait to take a huge bite on!!!!

4 days, 96 hours, 5760 minutes, 345600 seconds to go!!!!



Saturday, December 8, 2007

I've caught the "Avatar: The Last Airbender" FEVER

I've caught the "Avatar: The Last Airbender" FEVER!!!


"APPA!! YIP YIP!!" is a sentence that I had been listening for weeks. Haha for those who had watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, would know what I mean.

Alright, I have to admit. At first I dislike it. Because I disliked baldy and I was jealous that Aang(the avatar) and Appa(Aang's flying bison) got an arrow on their heads while I don't. But later, after watching the first two season, I've gotten used of their arrows and Aang's baldness.

It was a damn nice show, and the characters was drawn and portrayed fantastcially. My favourite characters are non other than the cabbage merchant, foaming mouth guy and Sokka. For the first two were because they were pathetically funny and for Sokka, I like his personality.


Well, heres a conversation between my sis and I, to prove that I've caught the Avatar: The last Airbender FEVER.

Me: (out of sudden) Net...I...
Net: (Irritated)Yeup?
Me: I... I think I am the avatar.
Net: Ok, now airbend infront of me.
Me: (used my hand to fan her, follow by a book)
Net: Wow! thanks for cooling me.
Me: Hey... I'm serious.
Net: For gosh sake, stop being Sokka would ya?
Me: Thats me!

Haha! funny! Then...

Me: Water(Actions, following the Avatar show's intro)
Earth(Actions, following the Avatar Show's intro)
Fire(Actions, following the Avatar show's intro)
Air(Actions, following the Avatar show's intro)
Net: Er...
Me: This are the four elements in making the perfect little girls, but Prof. Aang accidentally add in, chemical air. And the power puff benders were born! Using their bending, water, earth, fire and air had dedicated their life to fight forces of evil! de de de de(the song of PPG)
Net: Er... sis... I'm not amused with your Power Puff and Avatar combinations you know?
Me: You don't??
Net: NO!
Me: But I do!!!
Net: ...

Haha, good way to irritate her!!!!

Well by the way, besides the Avatar fever, I've also exprienced allergy to cold weather and now.. rashes all over. HATE IT!!!

