Saturday, December 29, 2007

What a day...

What a day...

Yesterday evening, as Net needed to return to her school, I decided to bring her there and also I could do some shopping at the nearby shopping centre. Before we left the house I told Net...

Me: Net, please lock the door.
Net: Locked already.

When we reached there, Net left me alone at the shopping centre and she took off to her school. Whereas I shopped around the mall, bought lots of stuff, took my dinner and continued shopping. When the time reached around 7+pm, I decided to go home. I sms Net and told her instead of waiting for her I will be going home first. Then I called daddy to bring Net home when they were on the way back from work.

On my way home, I realised that the sky were covered with dark clouds, I knew its going to rain soon, so I started to plan what I am going to do after I reached home. I planned to take a bath, make myself a cup of hot chocolate, sit on the sofa and watch TV until daddy and mummy brings Net home. WOOO, COZY!!!

When I finally reached home, I stood outside my door, searching every single pocket for my keys, but it was no where to be found. I digged into my bag hoping to find that sickening bunch of keys. Soon after I realised that the keys aren't with me. I remembered I didn't bring along the keys with me. Net was the one locking the doors before we left, so... THE KEYS WERE WITH HER!!!!


Good thing grandma lives just nearby and she holds a copy of my house key. So I went over asking for the key. But to my horror *ligtning strikes*... SHES NOT IN!!!!


Now what do I do??? I mean what can I do?? Daddy and Mummy won't be back by 10+pm. I don't have my grandma's handphone number. I could only sit by the swimming pool...for hours.


When the time reaches 9pm, I saw my grandma. I ran up to her and asked for the key. Finally, I could enter my home. As planned, I took a bath, made myself a cup of hot chocolate and laid on the sofa like a couch potato...

Not long after, I received a sms from my sis...

Net: What???!!! Go home??? Do you have the key???

Great... just great...

