Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Broke a glass...AGAIN!!!

I broke a glass...AGAIN!!!

OK...I broke a glass... AGAIN.

How many times this year already??? Let me count... hmmm... I've got 12 glass at home... and now I am left with 4, so.... I've broken 8 cups this year!!! WOO HOOO!!!

(Original Conversation)
Mum: 喂!发生什么事??
Me: 没有!!!我打破了一个杯...
Mum: 什么???!!!
Me: 我打破杯...
Mum: 喂!!!家里的杯全部被你打破了你知道吗???
Me: 知道...不过没有全部啦,我还剩4个!!!:D
Mum: 我看,迟早那4个也保不住了!!
Me: 不会打破的啦!!!
Mum: 不可以,以后不可以买玻璃杯,给你这样一直打破,我会破产啊!!!

(English translated Conversation)
Mum: Wha...What happened???
Me: Nothing!!! I just... broke a cup....
Mum: You what???
Me: Just broke a cup???
Mum: Hello!!!??? Do you have any idea that you are the only one who breaks all the cups in the house??
Me: I know... but I didn't break them all, I'm still left with 4 cups!!! :D
Mum: Believe me, that 4 cups' days are numbered.
Me: Come on... I won't break it anymore.
Mum: I think we can't purchase anymore glass material cups, they won't live long in our house, and with the "breaking glass" rate you were going, I will go bankrupt in no time.

