Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I found it!!!!



And I thought I would lost him forever... I left it in my bag when I brought him out. :P
Thank goodness I found him!!!!
It must be a good sign!!! Something really good is going to happen I guess.


PS: Alfred happens to be one of my favourite name!!! It sounds cute..on bears only. I named all my bears like this: Alfred; Alfred No.1; Alfred No.2; Alfred No.3...etc :P CUTE RIGHT???



I've got alot of nicknames. :D

Well, sad to say, almost all were given by Net.

She calls me "Cavewoman" because I'm very noisy. "Obasan" because she wants to annoy me. "Childish elder sis" because I never acted my age infront of her. "Noisy freak" because she thinks I'm irritating. "Oba" because she thinks 'Obasan' is too long. "Parasite" because I mentioned that I will depend on her for a living when I grow up. She will have to support me. :D "Baka" which mean idiot, because she really thinks I'm one. "Walking idiot" because I lack of common sense. "Log" because I sleep like one.... etc

Shame on her. I'm her big sister you know. I'm 3 years older than her you know??? And she kept citicizing me that I'm a 5 year old kid trapped in a 16 year old body. How dare she!!!

WAAA NETTO TAN!!!! YOU T-SHIRT!!!!(Because I'm Jean so she is T-shirt, she hates that nick name!!! :D) I WANT MY ICE-CREAM!!!! YOU GET AWAY FROM IT!!!!

(((SOBS... My... Ice-cream...)))

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Learn it once and for all

Yuppie, it has been a week since I last blogged.

To many things to take care of, so didn't have much time to spare for my dear old blog. Please forgive me. :D

Its the class T-shirt again. Now I can definitely conclude that my life needs MANY second chances or second tries. Sick and tired of it. Not going in to it, since its already over. No point fretting now. I could safely say that, the class tee feud should be over by now. Its sunshine over the rain!!!

I know perfectly well that what I am going through now is an experience gained. Theres a big possibility that it would help me in many ways when I grow up.

Forgive myself for making so many stupid mistakes. Comes to the thought of it, no one is perfect!!!

Hope the next time round when I receive the class tee, I won't feel so dejected and disappointed again.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I'm a loser alright.
I'm only capable of disppointing everyone around me.
They are looking so forward into receiving the class tee, and one message from me crashed their dreams.
I so sorry guys.. I so sorry.
I'm such a muddle head and I'm such a disppointment.
I don't know how could I make amendments to all of you.... I don't know what to say.


I am so tired. I'm so frustrated.
Whatever I do, never fails to fail me at the first try. In regardless of the emcee job during the new year concert, my chinese o'level, my math o'level, my class tee...etc NOW WHAT??? RUIN MY ACTUAL O'LEVELS TOO???
So what does these phenomenon means???? I didn't do enough??? Then to what extent is considered as ENOUGH??? I've done so much... and yet it is still not enough. So does this conclude that I'M A LOSER?????



Sunday, July 13, 2008

Party and Babysit!!!

Previously, I told everyone that I want 6 kids when I get married. I'd even got the names ready!!! Now I've changed my mind.... I want more!!! HAHAHAHA!!! KIDS ARE SO ADORABLE!!!!

Yesterday was my dad's, Xavier's, aunt Joyce's and Isabel's (July Babies) birthday BBQ party at my aunt Belinda and uncle Felix's place. Two days before the party, I received a message from aunt Belinda. She wanted me to look after baby Anthea for an hour while she attends piano lesson with Xavier. Well, being a children lover, I agreed immediately. So yesterday, Net and I went all the way down to Woodlands Causeway Point to meet aunt Belinda for lunch and after that was just me, Net and Anthea alone loitering around at mall.

As you know, an average mall has a height of 5 to 6 stories. When I saw Anthea in a pram, I'm stunned. My first reaction was:"Oh dear, how am I going to bring her in a pram up with an escalater???" Then aunt Belinda asked me to give it a try. Though the whole trying out process went well, my palm was soaked with perspiration. I felt like I'd been on a roller coaster ride or I'm peforming an acrobat stunt. But sooner or later, I've gotten the hang of it.

Well, I really felt awkward as I looked like a 16 year old girl pushing a baby stroller with a baby girl in it, loitering about in a mall. I could sense the people there were thinking that I'm an underage and unwed mother bringing my daughter out for a walk at the mall. BUT PEOPLE!!!! SHE AIN'T MY DAUGHTER!!! SHE IS MY BABY COUSIN!!!! HAHAHA what a joke!!!

When night fell, we started the BBQ party. Well... I had been chasing after Xavier all around the place with a bowl of rice, trying very hard to feed him. But it was all worth the hard work as I had a sense of satisfaction when dear little Xavier finished his bowl of rice.

Then Xavier was so fascinated with two little snails and spent most of his time playing with snails and "abandoned" me. So I went loking for Anthea. She really likes to eat. When I'm eating something, she would say "mum-mum" (Baby language for "I want to eat too" or "I'm hungry") In this case, she was trying to say that she wants a bit of my food. CUTE!!!

It has been a long time when all of us come together and enjoyed ourselves. I'm glad to know that everyone is doing well in every aspect of our life and we are working hard to achieve our goals.

I always enjoyed this kind of gatherings. Though when occasionally unhappy things would happen, but all of these would naturally just come and go.

I hope there would be more of such gatherings and parties so that everyone could come together and somehow stay "United". :D


Thursday, July 10, 2008


I told my daddy...

Me: I've got a hunch. Heh heh.
Daddy: What?
Me: I going to fall sick any moment now. :P
Daddy: Well... Ever since last year, you've been telling me this. And your so-called 'hunch' never did come true.
Me: Believe me! I am very sure that this time it will come true.
Daddy: Okay... we shall see about that.
Me: Be prepared to bring me to the doc, Daddy-o!!!

Thus, my hunch shall come true!!!


Monday, July 7, 2008


OK... Seriously. I didn't sleep last night and I'm a little touchy.

Many thanks to Shaan and Adeline for acompanying my down to Braddell to check out the class tee material and size, even though today is your holiday.

Intentionally I wanted to spend 7 hours sitting infront of the PC to finish the class tee touch up by skipping my sleep, but I ended up slamming and crashing the computer over and over again for 3 hours. This dumb slow thing kept hanging on me, I was so afriad that I can't finish it on time for the printings. Thank goodness, today, Mr Ben said he could do the touch up for me. In which means that I could now sleep in peace.

Come to the thought of it. Why should I worry about all these when prelims are just around the corner? Why should I sacrifice my sleep, spend so many hours drawing, worrying, correcting, dying to finish something that won't even help me to excel in my exams??? Why am I the one expected to contact the manufacturer, and pull 2 of my friends early in the morning to go down all the way to Braddell just to check on the materials, sizes and if allow to, place order on my holiday??? I didn't volunteer myself this job you know??? I really could have just searched the net, find myself a picture and say:"HEY!!!! Thats the design for our class tee shirt!!!" But I chose to draw, I chose to stay up all night just to colour and draw out the work. When I don't know how to do something, I am expected to learn because somehow or rather I am incharge of this thing, I can't be so irrseponsible and push all of this job to my friends.

So... I've done nothing.... Yup thats right, I've DONE NOTHING AT ALL.
All my sacrificed nights had gone down the drain. I'm such a failure. Spent so many hours working and yet I produced nothing at all. If I produced nothing, how come theres a design of our T shirt being shown to the manufacturer???

I don't want to claim credits. I just want your understanding, I can't hold on any longer I need people to share my workload. Should you think my workload aren't heavy enough to push this task to you or you think my reason of letting you handle this task aren't justifying and convicing enough, try encountering the time when the computer won't cooperate, the time won't cooperate, the schedule won't cooperate, so many things else won't cooperate with you when you are dying to work something out of the blue. Should you think that coordinating something like this is easy. Try it yourself.

WHY??? What have I done wrong??? I just want to rest. Can't I just take a break??? I've been praying that I would fall sick somehow, so at least I could give myself a period of time to take a breather, am I charged guilty for begging time to rest???

I'm not a smart person. All I know is to look straight and act according to things planned. I don't know how to react to immediate situations and I can't accept changes. But I know what are my duties and what are not.

I have my own problems and things to deal with, and should this be the situation I would face in the future when I start working. I'll take back my words. I rather not grow up.


Sunday, July 6, 2008


You know, I HATE it when people criticize, malign or backstab my sister. I will go all out and deal with those people who disturb my sis. And I MEAN it.

STOP IT before I actually lay my hands on this matter you fill me???


Soup, Simplicity, Stress

3 things to talk about:"Stress, Simplicity and Soup".

Nope, I'm not playing with alliteration and of course I'm not going to be poetic. Just pure coincidence that all of these 3 words start with a 'S'.

Too many things needs me to decide and handle. I simply don't know how to explain. Class tee. Daddy offered his help but I didn't accept. I insisted that I accomplish something myself. Thanks daddy, I appreciate your help but no thanks, I need to learn to go through all these somehow. Although this is a happy post, I'm writing it in a frustrated and stressed out mood.

Xavier came yesterday!!! I'm so delighted. I realised, kids have the ability to take my troubles away. At the very least, temporary. Again, I emphasize the word Simplicity. Kids are the best examples. They think and derive things based according to simple logic. But then again, their simplicity won't last very long. Soon they will be influenced by all sorts of things around them and then... no more innocent baby.

Net had a terrible Soup Day on Friday. According to Net, during her recess, Miss Soh accidentally spilled soup on her. Net told me that she had promised Miss Soh not to tell me about this incident, but eventually she spilled the beans to me, HAHAHA.
So PS: Dear Miss Soh, if you happen to read this post, don't blame my sis. I talked her into confessing :P.
After that, we went to Century for dinner. Both of us ordered Japanese food. Then somehow, I spilled my MISO soup on her.
Haha guess she had a serious issue with Miss Soh and MISO that day.

((((Mixed feelings))))

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Thanks goodness!!! Sunshine after the terrible storm!!!
All back to normal again!!! WOO YEAH!!!

Seriously, I must admit, there is a serious problem with me on the eyes. Last week, Ruo Ning asked me to do the 2006 O level Social Studies SBQ, so that we will have something to ask or discuss about during the SS consultation with Miss Soh today. But at the very minute when the consultation starts, I realised, I did the 2004 O level Social Studies SBQ!!! The funny part was, I named the piece of work as :"06 O'level SBQ" and my answers were from 2004 O level SBQ!!!

Another sign of ageing. Guess my self-fulfilling prophecy is coming true!!! I AM ageing!!!

I feel like having a HUGE cup of coffee now. I'm so tempted by Miss Soh's large cup of coffee just now, that I went to buy myself a can of ice coffee immediately after the consultation. And now, I am craving for more. :P Oh no... My addiction for coffee is coming back again. Just GREAT.

My guitar string snapped again!!! Need to change it immediately!!! ARGH!!!! It is so irritating!!! Can't play it for the time being... SOB!!!

I'm so careless. I actually misplaced my beloved bear, ALFRED!!!! OH NO!!!! ALFRED!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!
