Sunday, July 13, 2008

Party and Babysit!!!

Previously, I told everyone that I want 6 kids when I get married. I'd even got the names ready!!! Now I've changed my mind.... I want more!!! HAHAHAHA!!! KIDS ARE SO ADORABLE!!!!

Yesterday was my dad's, Xavier's, aunt Joyce's and Isabel's (July Babies) birthday BBQ party at my aunt Belinda and uncle Felix's place. Two days before the party, I received a message from aunt Belinda. She wanted me to look after baby Anthea for an hour while she attends piano lesson with Xavier. Well, being a children lover, I agreed immediately. So yesterday, Net and I went all the way down to Woodlands Causeway Point to meet aunt Belinda for lunch and after that was just me, Net and Anthea alone loitering around at mall.

As you know, an average mall has a height of 5 to 6 stories. When I saw Anthea in a pram, I'm stunned. My first reaction was:"Oh dear, how am I going to bring her in a pram up with an escalater???" Then aunt Belinda asked me to give it a try. Though the whole trying out process went well, my palm was soaked with perspiration. I felt like I'd been on a roller coaster ride or I'm peforming an acrobat stunt. But sooner or later, I've gotten the hang of it.

Well, I really felt awkward as I looked like a 16 year old girl pushing a baby stroller with a baby girl in it, loitering about in a mall. I could sense the people there were thinking that I'm an underage and unwed mother bringing my daughter out for a walk at the mall. BUT PEOPLE!!!! SHE AIN'T MY DAUGHTER!!! SHE IS MY BABY COUSIN!!!! HAHAHA what a joke!!!

When night fell, we started the BBQ party. Well... I had been chasing after Xavier all around the place with a bowl of rice, trying very hard to feed him. But it was all worth the hard work as I had a sense of satisfaction when dear little Xavier finished his bowl of rice.

Then Xavier was so fascinated with two little snails and spent most of his time playing with snails and "abandoned" me. So I went loking for Anthea. She really likes to eat. When I'm eating something, she would say "mum-mum" (Baby language for "I want to eat too" or "I'm hungry") In this case, she was trying to say that she wants a bit of my food. CUTE!!!

It has been a long time when all of us come together and enjoyed ourselves. I'm glad to know that everyone is doing well in every aspect of our life and we are working hard to achieve our goals.

I always enjoyed this kind of gatherings. Though when occasionally unhappy things would happen, but all of these would naturally just come and go.

I hope there would be more of such gatherings and parties so that everyone could come together and somehow stay "United". :D
