Monday, March 31, 2008

Brimming with tears

Now, I finally know why, I always have this special urge or feeling to write a tribute essay for my late grandparents.

Somehow, my sub-conscious knows that yesterday was the annual tomb-cleaning day, and it tried to use this method to remind me.

Seriously speaking, I hate it. I hate it when I had successfully put these sad memories into deep sleep, was awaken due to some reason to sadden me.

I am not being unfilial, it is just that I hate to cry. I hate to cry openly infront of so many people, and yet these memories would make me do it. The immediate reaction I had when I saw their pictures was my eyes to brim with tears. It was as if those droplets of tears were queueing one by one, impatiently, waiting to fall down my eyes.

Then following, would be those happy moments I had with them. When it all reaches this stage, my heart would aches even more. Worse of all, I would then realise that the memories I had for them were so vague and little. Guiltness would by then overwhelm my heart.


Thats why, I am really not being unfilial here, really.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wisdom tooth

My wisdom tooth is hurting me. Told my friends about it and they were like: "Oh!!! This year O'levels you over-used your brain is it???" Ya... does that mean that I am intellectual???

Ya... So this week I have a serious issue with my wisdom tooth. So it tortures me by preventing me to eat a proper meal. I can't even eat rice, and I have to depend on congee to fill my stomach. In which could be a problem, because I seriously eat alot, and congee is something that will never fills me up.

On thursday, 27 march 2008, I stayed back in school to help Miss Soh to sort out the social studies file. She treated me with GREEN WASABI PEAS, what a nice teacher right??? I love green peas, so without knowing that it was actually wasabi, I popped one into my mouth. Pathetically, I was choked by the over-powering, fiery, pungent spiciness of wasabi. Ya... it just happened... then... Miss Soh burst out laughing and claimed that she had successfully tricked me in to it. So evil right???

Back to the main point, I forgotten that my wisdom tooth is giving trouble, I accidentally, I don't know how, I hurt my wound. Ya... it just happened. Then... cannot eat dinner again.

I maybe really would pluck that irritating tooth out. I tell you, it is disrupting my life!!!! I can't eat!!!! CANNOT EAT IS A VERY TORTUROUS MATTER TO ME!!!! IT MEANS MY LIFE WOULD BE MEANINGLESS WITHOUT FOOD!!! I WANT TO EAT!!!!

I want to eat *Sob

I want to eat *Sob

I want food *Sob


Wouldn't it be nice to be a little child again?

Tortured my brain with sudoku again. Despite spending hours raking my brain for answers, I still couldn't solve it. Taking some time out to enable my brain to rest and to be prepared for the next round of 'battle' in which I am going to face later.

I always enjoyed admiring the artwork done by little children. Although in their artwork I don't find them using any sophisticated art technique, yet I was able to sense, to understand the message, their purposes and what they were trying to portray in their work.

What fasinated me was despite the fact that they advocate the idea of simplicity, when I 'read between the line' of their artwork, I could sense their profound and deep undertsanding to a certain topic. Their artwork are always more than what it meets the eye.

Sometimes I really hope that I could turn back the clock, to the time when I am still a small child when no one would expect so much from me. To that time when I drew a piece of artwork and the adults would not reprimand, blame or criticize me for the low standard of work I produce. (for they would say that, because I am still young, it is OK to produce such work.) To the time when I am allowed to make certain mistakes and to be forgiven. To the time when I could prevent all of my misfortunes to happen. To the time when...

But I understand that none of it could happen...


Hope this would be my last 'emo' post as life is short, take it easy.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Reflections and Thoughts

Everyday, without fail, some new experience will be waiting for me to reflect and to think. As I went through every single experience, my mixed emotions and feelings would goes up and down like some sort of wave-like phenomena.

Difficult and complicated.

How do I explain such complexed feelings??? I mean, it all happened at just that very particular second, when I am having fun, enjoying myself and something would just struck me in the head and made me lost the mood to enjoy, to play and to be fun. But after a second moment, everything goes back into place again. Is that how I felt previously??? Is that how I had felt when I couldn't get out of my little cornered box and thus unables me to cross the line and into that person's box???

The above was my thinkings, my reflections on tuesday, 25 March 2008.

Realised something really saddening today. Shouldn't post in detail about it as its someone else's secret. My heart broke into tiny pieces when I heard about it. What should I do to help??? How should I help??? Are the questions I asked myself at that point in time when I heard the news. Someone I really care about was hurt, I need to do something about it. I mean, at the very least I think I should.

Opening/ Starting a converstion is something I really don't know how to do. I had taken a huge step today by taking the initiative to open my mouth to talk and sustained that converstion for at least 5 secs. To me, it is a great improvement already.

Reflections, Thoughts for today, 27 march 2008.


Monday, March 24, 2008

I don't understand too

Walked home with Net today. Net does all the talking while I remained silent, the atmosphere was like, as if Net was talking to herself or maybe to a mute, which would be me. I mean at the very least, I think so myself...

Net: And so... (Noticed that I wasn't paying attention) Hello??? Am I talking to a log, a mute or myself??? Could you at least give me some response???
Me: Hi.
Net: For goodness sake... What happened to you??? Again???
Me: Nothing.
Net: You are not in your usual self you know???
Me: I know.
Net: Then what happened???
Me: I'm Ok. Just leave me alone, and I'll be alright. I just need some time to think through certain things... thats all.
Net: Ok, Ok. Some times you are really strange, Don't understand what makes you fret all day.

Actually she is right, I don't understand it myself either. All I could say is that I need time. But what are the time needed for? I don't know. Maybe its some sort of excuse for me to escape certain things that I don't wish to face. Or maybe, the thing really needs time to solve.

To my family, my quietness means that I am not in my usual self.

To my friends, my solemness is just some kind of problematic attitude behavior.

To my close friends, my silence is my 'emo' tactics.

To me, it all means that I am seizing whatever chances and opprtunities that I could have, to think through deeply about certain problems which are very urgent to me.

All this solemness would just come and go. So I hereby apologize to those people I may have offended during that past 'emo' period. Thanks for bearing with me. For I really don't know why this good friend of mine come and visit me every now and then.


But now, it is still here with me. most probably would stay with me for another couple of weeks.

Very sorry.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Midnight Movie Experience

Went to watch The Spiderwick Chronicles last friday 12 midnight.

When the rating indicates: PG (With Some Frightening Scenes), they really don't mean some only. I freaked out totally. So for a 96 minute movie, I only watched 48 minute (half) of it. For the other half, I was either busy eating my popcorn or used the box of popcorn to cover my eyes.

Told my family about it, and they were like: HUH??!! You are actually frightened by this???

What???... Don't I have the rights to be frighten???... I mean it's a midnight show you know???... and some of the creatures looked terrifying... so can't I be afraid about it???...

But overall, it is a nice show...though I am only able to enjoyed half of it.


End It

I'm miserable.
Need to put an end to all these!!!


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Pride or Friendship

To me, Net is an expert in friendship. She could analyse my problems and give me very professional advice and solutions. Sometimes I really have to take my hat off her. Therefore I often had to consult Net about my friendship problems.

Recently I encountered a friendship problem. As usual, I asked Net for her opinion. Somehow I could sense that she is frustrated by all my problems, stubborness and stale thinking, nevertheless she gave me a sentence and left me thinking.

"For goodness sake, can't you see it??? Your pride is in your way!!! Your pride is your obstacle in maintaining good friendship with other people!!! Why can't you for once forsake that pride of yours temporary and build a good friendship???"

My pride??? Obstacle??? How??? Why???

Net couldn't stand me for being dumb and slow in understanding what she meant, she then told me:

"You never try to take the initiative to start a conversation because you are afraid of rejection. You are afraid that people might return you with some nasty remarks. You are afraid because your 'skin isn't thick enough'. In another words your pride is too strong. Do you get what I mean???"

I... I... My pride???... Gosh... I never knew... I... really don't know what to say...

Now I am left with 2 choices, my pride? or my friendship with other people?


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Schooling holidays

After this week, I could finally confirm that I REALLY CANNOT STUDY AT HOME!!!!

If I have no choice but to study at home, do you know where is the most suitable place??? THE KITCHEN!!!! MIND YOU IT'S THE KITCHEN!!! Another place is the balcony, if not, the dining room. But that includes that I have to resist the temptation of switching on the television, which to me would be considered as a torture!!!

By now you must be asking 'what about your study area???' Well, let me tell you, that horrible place have nothing but distractions that I cannot resist!!! Computer, Air-conditioner, Music, Comic books, Games, Phone....etc HOW TO STUDY???!!!

I have no other options left but to go to school. What a happy holiday!!!

Actually its not a bad things afterall, at least I have donuts with me!!! :D And I am so excited about the donuts, I took a picture of them.

Say Cheese!!!!

Great, just great....


Love Untold

Almost every show that I've watched, the airports and the hospitals always served as the turning point of a character's attitude to another.

To me, both places represent the time when a person face the verge of leaving someone forever. To me, it represent the time of an end to something. Maybe a relationship or an unpleasent happening. I mean, at the very least, this is what I think.

I, myself, had exprienced this before. Facing the stress, the struggle of losing someone that I really love. Of course, not at the airport, for I would definitely wish that we really did departed there. Unfortunately, we left each other at the second.

Always at this time of the year, I had the urge to write a tribute essay for my late grandparents. I don't know whether it is just a coincidence or there are some things unexplainable. But this post will not be about them, yet. Instead of a message I have for every one.

So far, that period was my darkest moment. As a young child, I had never expected them to leave me so soon. Being someone who doesn't like to express my feelings, I regretted not telling them how much they meant to me, how important they are to me and how much I love them.

Now, I am only left with memories that will be placed deep down inside my heart.

I have learnt my lesson, to tell my love ones how important they are. And I will not leave my love for them untold.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Someone over the rainbow...

Well, it is just a thought, a comment about 'someone over the rainbow'... (I find this way of addressing her a little too long, so in short she would be S.O.T.R)

Before I start.... here is a little message for you Miss S.O.T.R: STOP MAKING OTHER PEOPLE MISERABLE!!!!

She thinks by knowing a senior (me, because I am considered as the most senior person in school), would give her the authority to dominate people and order people around. What trash!!! Like I always say, if I am a more vulgar person, the word trash is nothing as compared to her deeds!!!

She thinks she is always right and her friends are always wrong. But in front of me, she acts as if she is a very democratic person/leader. What utter rubbish!!!! Like I said, if I am a more vulgar person, using the word rubbish to describe is too leniant for her.

Shan't write more, I think I am being very nice to her, and I feel guilty about that. As her senior I should have corrected her instead of keeping quiet and hoped that one day she would realise her mistake on her own.

Really, shouldn't have pinned such high hopes on her.... disappointed... and I thought she was such a nice kid....

One more complain I receive from her friends about her, I will really go up to her face and tell her off.

What a disappointment.

And she is the class manager... what a disgrace...


No thunder please...

It has been raining on and off for the past few days.
I couldn't help but worry when lightning appears.
I could only pray that a thunder would not clash when a lightning strikes.
Because of a secret I couldn't tell.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008




Ok.... I am officially going donut crazy.

Me: Mummy I will be going to school with Net tomorrow.
Mum: Why leh???
Me: (*Glup)... Huh??? ah.... Oh!!! I want to bring Net to the doctor!!!
Mum: No need, I will bring her there on Thursday. You stay at home and study.
Me: But mummmyyy!!!! Theres no breakfast for me tomorrow, and I need to go and buy!!!!
Mum: Buy what???
Me: D-O-N-U-T-S.... donuts!!!
Mum: Ooi!!! Zinc Tan, you better control yourself hor!!!! For the past few days you have been eating donuts, and now you are telling me you want to buy more???!!!
Me: (*Puppy dog eyes) but...but...
Mum: No more buts, you stay at home and study.... and thats final!!!
Me: (*eyes brimming with tears) I want...
Mum: No more I want!!!! Now go to your room and reflect on your behavior!!! GO!!!!

I am deprived of my chance to eat donuts!!! (*Sobs) I want to COMPLAIN!!!!




Now what???

Ok...three days ago, a nice melody appeared in my head. I've had the lyrics done and currently I am meddling with the song. I've tried playing on my guitar and piano, I've even tested it on the composing software but nothing came out as I wanted it to be...

Great now what??? Buy myself a violin or a saxophone so that I can complete this song???

Now what???

By the way... actually the melody didn't just appeared in my head. I was inspired by a lifestory of an important friend of mine. Thus this song will be dedicate to her, my important friend and I shall make it the best out of it. :D

So, a guitar or piano.....hmmmm tough choice...


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Short-Term Memory

Ok... erm... I... actually... Ok...

Great... I forgot what I want to write already... Pardon me a second to think of what I intended to write about.... Thanks for understanding...


Ah!!!! Got it!!! What I want to write is... is... erm... is... actually about... about... erm... about.... what argh???!!!

Great, it sliped my mind again.... never mind that, lets talk about something else...


Great... that something else sliped away too....

Hahaha...ha... ha... ha... not funny???.... erm... I thought so too...

Wait, wait, wait, I got it, I got it!!! I actually intended

Oh never mind, I can't remember....

Great my short term memory is acting up again...


Thursday, March 6, 2008


Its very unlikely for me to go donut crazy.... Who knows? I am.

Writing and filling in lyrics for the school's musical songs.... Hate it and love it.

Miss Soh made fun of me and Yi Ning again.... Haha It's always nice to have little hiccups to make the day interesting isn't it?

Got my progress report... Improvement made!!!! Press On!!!

I feel that the world is unfair, hardwork and effort will just go to waste when favouritism and bias-ness are around.... Just a passing remark.

Though all my math teachers went overseas this week, luckily I still have Miss Chia around. But... I just can't manage to find her... Where is she??? What a 'lucky' day... Great...when I needed help I can't find any. When I don't need help, they all come for me. Hahahaha

Some people just don't know time management. Think that they could handle and take control of everything. Not sensible at all.... I AM refering to someone.

Holidays are here!!! Take a good rest BUD!!! Start afresh next term!!!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Don't Know

My mum was in the kitchen. When *Clang Cling Clang was heard.
Out of curiosity, I went to the kitchen and see what she's up to this time.

Me: Mum? What are you doing???
Mum: (Excitedly)I'm cooking!!!
Me: Cooking?? What are you cooking?
Mum: (Smiling/Happily/Excitedly) I don't know!!!
Me: HUH?!

Great, shes gonna make me finish that unknown, maybe, inedible dish... Great.... Just great.
