Friday, March 14, 2008

Someone over the rainbow...

Well, it is just a thought, a comment about 'someone over the rainbow'... (I find this way of addressing her a little too long, so in short she would be S.O.T.R)

Before I start.... here is a little message for you Miss S.O.T.R: STOP MAKING OTHER PEOPLE MISERABLE!!!!

She thinks by knowing a senior (me, because I am considered as the most senior person in school), would give her the authority to dominate people and order people around. What trash!!! Like I always say, if I am a more vulgar person, the word trash is nothing as compared to her deeds!!!

She thinks she is always right and her friends are always wrong. But in front of me, she acts as if she is a very democratic person/leader. What utter rubbish!!!! Like I said, if I am a more vulgar person, using the word rubbish to describe is too leniant for her.

Shan't write more, I think I am being very nice to her, and I feel guilty about that. As her senior I should have corrected her instead of keeping quiet and hoped that one day she would realise her mistake on her own.

Really, shouldn't have pinned such high hopes on her.... disappointed... and I thought she was such a nice kid....

One more complain I receive from her friends about her, I will really go up to her face and tell her off.

What a disappointment.

And she is the class manager... what a disgrace...
