Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wouldn't it be nice to be a little child again?

Tortured my brain with sudoku again. Despite spending hours raking my brain for answers, I still couldn't solve it. Taking some time out to enable my brain to rest and to be prepared for the next round of 'battle' in which I am going to face later.

I always enjoyed admiring the artwork done by little children. Although in their artwork I don't find them using any sophisticated art technique, yet I was able to sense, to understand the message, their purposes and what they were trying to portray in their work.

What fasinated me was despite the fact that they advocate the idea of simplicity, when I 'read between the line' of their artwork, I could sense their profound and deep undertsanding to a certain topic. Their artwork are always more than what it meets the eye.

Sometimes I really hope that I could turn back the clock, to the time when I am still a small child when no one would expect so much from me. To that time when I drew a piece of artwork and the adults would not reprimand, blame or criticize me for the low standard of work I produce. (for they would say that, because I am still young, it is OK to produce such work.) To the time when I am allowed to make certain mistakes and to be forgiven. To the time when I could prevent all of my misfortunes to happen. To the time when...

But I understand that none of it could happen...


Hope this would be my last 'emo' post as life is short, take it easy.
