Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ever Changing

Someone just commented that I'm always ever changing.
And its quite an irony because I'm someone who resist changes to the max.

Haha, am I suppose to be happy about it?

Well, I find it absolutely fine with my ever changing personality.
At least I get to like different things at different times.
I guess that explains why I don't really have any favourites.

Maybe at this point in time, I like a particular cartoon/song/food or drinks, then perhaps, the next minute, I might change my taste preferences. :D Just like how I used to eat Magnums for their lovely chocolate coatings. But now I craved them for their milky Vanilla ice cream.

Anything wrong with that? Nope. Not at all.

To digress a little, I don't really see the amusement in "Eating ice cream during a cold day/weather or in a cold country." To me, its perfectly fine.
Well, perhaps the only amusement that I will find would be the possibility of the ice cream not melting or melts really slowly (I don't know, I'm not a physics student.) when you are devouring it under cold or freezing conditions. :D

Like it or not, Jean's likings are always changing.
I'm not predictable remember? :D
