Sunday, January 30, 2011


I've done a lot of thinking this week... (yes I know I'm always thinking about something but this week MORE cognition is done.)

I've decided what to do after CNY, whether they like it or not, I've made up my mind.
I feel that I'm old enough to decide for myself. Even if you think that what I'm doing will be utterly useless and a waste of my time... then I feel that, you should just let me go and let me learn it the hard way. Call me stubborn for all I care, but I only lead this life once, I ought to do something crazy/that I like once in awhile. If I have to be so practical all of the time, seriously, its tiring. Stop imposing your views on me. I need to be independent so I implore you... Let Me Go.

Chinese New Year is just around the corner. When I was younger, it really used to be such a big thing. Preparations here and there: buy new clothes, go for a hair cut, go all the way down to chinatown to buy some new year goodies blah and so on... but as we grew older, all of these preparations seem to be such a chore. We don't prepare stuffs anymore. Its no longer a must-do. I think its sad... actually. I envy families who still cherish such traditions.

After next week, my new year resolution officially starts.
1) Yes I won't be lazy and I'll be diligent.
2) I will do something useful this year.
These two are the utmost important resolutions for the year of rabbit. ^^ I aim to accomplish them. By the end of this year, I hope that I can proudly say that I've accomplish my resolutions. ^^

Kay kay time out ^^