Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mixpod Updates!!!

In addition to Elfen Lied's "Be Your Girl", I've also added...

1) Burst Angel's "Under The Sky" by Cloudica
2) Onegai Teacher's "Snow Angel" by Kotoko
3) "High School Queen" by Nami Tamaki
4) Full Metal Panic Fumoffu's "Sore Ga Ai Deshou" by Shimokawa Mikuni
5) Ouran High School Host Club's "Sakura Kiss" by Chieko Kawabe

Highly recommend them!!!

Jean :D

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Be Your Girl

Elfen Lied's Be Your Girl sung by Chieko Kawabe

Love it!!!

Enjoy :D


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Right? or Left?

This June is definitely a fruitful one.
I've been revising my work and whatnot. I understand more concepts for all subjects than ever before.
However, I'm still not prepared for the upcoming semestral assessments.
This month, no... These 3 weeks, are only enough to go through those subjects theorectically but not practically.

Lack of practice (unquestionably) equals to failing exams.
I'm not surprise.

Although I said I know what I'm doing, I worry for myself.
Am I travelling on the right path? or am I walking towards the wrong direction?


Thursday, June 24, 2010


I'm an escapist.

Sometimes, when I know perfectly well that things are not alright, I will still choose to believe that it is.
Some people say: "There's a 'lie' in 'believe'."
I couldn't agree more.
There's always a risk in believing in something: Is it a lie? or is it the truth?

I lie, lied to myself.

Escaping from reality, has become a daily routine.
Entangled in the web of unreality. While one half of me is struggling to get out, the other half refuses to budge.
Because I thought... I'm happier this way.

No its a lie.

Promises made to myself, were usually ignored.
In the end, I'm always able to come up with excuses to convince myself that I have that 101 reasons for not being able to keep those promises.
Yes. so, forgive myself.

Living in the world filled with lies. I'm delusional.

I always thought:
"If only my life was a fairy tale. When all things shall end along with: Happily ever after..."

Yes Jean... to live in a world filled with: "If only"...
Will that make you happier?


Monday, June 21, 2010

Not too alone

Although I always say that I'm a loner, I really don't encourage myself or anyone to be too alone.
Simply because being alone allows your imaginations and your thoughts to run extremely wild. You tend to think of the unthinkables, the impossibles, the... so on and so forth.... yeah, et cetera.

So yeap, this was what happened to me today.
(Erm... to be more specific, not only today. As a matter of fact, it happens to me almost everyday.)

I can't say what I've been thinking today because its for me to know and for you to find out. :P
Perhaps, I could share just one with my loyal readers.
Well, one of the million things that I was thinking about today would be how to grill a salmon. Yes. This is that one question that has been bugging me since last weekend.
I want to try grilling salmon! But my family refuses to let me use the kitchen. Bleh.
Well, I'm thinking... after salmon, it will be chicken!

Anyway, I've studied for the whole day. I just have to emphasize that I hate electrophilic substitution. Unlike electrophilic additon, electrophilic substitution, is way more complicated. HATE IT!

Til Then

Friday, June 18, 2010


Mugged the whole day today.

My head is going to explode soon. Thought I'd take a break. :D

Revision is going on well... I guess.
Econs and Lit is going on well, quite little left to revise.
Chem and Math... need to speed up. :(

Anyway, I wanna watch Knight and Day!!!
Can't wait for the dumb exams to be over so I can catch it!!!


Til then...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A thought

A thought.

Some people just takes those around him/her for granted.

They failed to see what those around had done for them.
They failed to understand or appreciate those people around them.

They are self centred.
They behave like everyone in this whole world owes them a living.
They vent their anger/frustrations/unhappiness on those around them.
They don't even give a damn about how those people around them feel.

The sad thing is, they thought they have/they own everything in this world.
But the fact is, they don't have anything.
For those who are always at the background supporting them, assisting them, when they are sad and driving themselves into self pity, will eventually leave them.

That is just sad right?

Just a thought.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ever Changing

Someone just commented that I'm always ever changing.
And its quite an irony because I'm someone who resist changes to the max.

Haha, am I suppose to be happy about it?

Well, I find it absolutely fine with my ever changing personality.
At least I get to like different things at different times.
I guess that explains why I don't really have any favourites.

Maybe at this point in time, I like a particular cartoon/song/food or drinks, then perhaps, the next minute, I might change my taste preferences. :D Just like how I used to eat Magnums for their lovely chocolate coatings. But now I craved them for their milky Vanilla ice cream.

Anything wrong with that? Nope. Not at all.

To digress a little, I don't really see the amusement in "Eating ice cream during a cold day/weather or in a cold country." To me, its perfectly fine.
Well, perhaps the only amusement that I will find would be the possibility of the ice cream not melting or melts really slowly (I don't know, I'm not a physics student.) when you are devouring it under cold or freezing conditions. :D

Like it or not, Jean's likings are always changing.
I'm not predictable remember? :D


Cook it

Mugged the whole morning, thought I'd take a break. :D

Just some random thoughts about cooking.

When my sister says she will be cooking for the family, no one has any objections to that idea.

But when I announce that I will prepare a meal for the family, they all stared at me with their a worrying eyes, behaving like... as if I'll blow up that poor dear little kitchen of theirs, and tell me softly with much politeness, not wanting to hurt my feelings or anything, that its fine and its ok. They will take care of the meal. If I wanna help out, I can do the dishes after that. Then they gave me a smile :) , a pat on the shoulder and walked off.

Not very encouraging for a beginner/ amateur like me.

Whatever. Its their loss for not trying out my dishes. I'm telling you, my dishes will be so delicious that once you try them, you just can't stop eating them. You will definitely be addicted to them. Yes no kidding. Wait till you see what I make out of instant noodles. Yeah? Yeah.

Anyway, its a tiring day and my inspirations aren't flowing smoothly.
I'm just stuck. Right there. Yeah, you're pointing at the right place, RIGHT THERE!
They call it Writers' block.
My flow of thoughts is blocked!
By... a huge rock.
OOO They rhyme!!!

OK, Sorry, boredom just drives me insane!

PS: Do you know? (I learnt it from Wikipedia), Toodles is a short version of the French expression: à tout à l'heure which means: see you soon/ goodbye?


Til then


Monday, June 14, 2010


Did I mention that I love Accidentals?

Yes. I love Accidentals. :D

Well, its undeniable that some always appear at the most awkward places. Hence that makes them seem less able to... fit in. Yes. They just don't fit in to the pieces. Imperfection.

Sometimes, I do find them annoying and quite unpleasant to have, BUT they are the ones that bring out the uniqueness in many music pieces. They make the piece less rigid, less common, less expectable/predictable, more interesting and last but not least more surprising.

In my social circle, I consider myself as an accidental.
Yes. I don't fit in. I don't fit in anywhere. I'm like an accidental, I just appear there, once... Perhaps... once per phrase?... Or maybe once per two phrases?... Or maybe... just once, out of the entire piece of music, just once.

Yes, just like an accidental: I'm easily forgotten, I feel out of place and left out, I'm imperfect, I'm annoying and irritating. Nontheless, I'm proud to be an accidental, I'm proud to be myself.

So what if I don't fit in? So what if I'm imperfect and unpleasant to have? Just like an accidental, I'm full of surprises, I'm unpredictable, I'm unique.

I live my own way.

I understand how an accidental feels. I appreciate their presence. I appreciate accidentals.

For those accidentals out there, please don't feel sad about not fitting in. Just like how accidentals exist for a reason; just like how composers include accidentals in their pieces for a reason, each and everyone of us is an unique individual, we are US for a reason.
Feel good about being yourself.
Someday, you will definitely find someone who will appreciate you.

Live your own way.


New Look

Made some amendments to the page.
Looks pretty good!


Friday, June 11, 2010

My 300th post, For You

For you my friend, if you are feeling down, this is to cheer you up. :D

向阳 陈思涵 演唱 (饭团之家主题曲)∶


Thursday, June 10, 2010


Its frustrating. Nope, extremely frustrating for someone like me, who loves to create, (regardless is it an art piece, a piece of story or a piece of music) and unable to do so wholeheartedly.

When I've finally convinced and promised myself to work and complete a piece, theres always a nagging voice inside my head, trying to remind me that I have an examination coming up after the vacation, and the load of performing well for the exam (Theres a reason to why I'm grounded you know?) is weighing down my enthusiasm to create. And not to mention, it more or less affects my inspiration to create as well.

Now it seems to be a sin to strum that guitar, sing with that vocal cords, draw with that pencil, type a story with that keyboard.

No, no one is pressurizing me. I just feel guilty for not studying. Its me. Get it? ITS ME!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my own creation.
I used to dwell for quite awhile just because of a flaw I found in my pieces, before I could convince myself to move on. And sometimes, those pieces never had a chance to be completed; I never get to move on.

I stopped drawing for a reason.
After much dwelling, when it has finally dawned upon me that the flaws never seemed to be corrected, I lost confidence. I lost my direction.
Then, someone came. He told me that I'm too blinded by my eagerness to complete a piece. Why not take a break, and maybe when I go back to it later, I may see things in a whole new perspective, and eventually able to complete the piece?

Yes. So I granted myself a break. A long break.

I've started drawing again. (Not counting those doodles and little pictures I've done on my lecture notes and whatnot. I mean a complete picture.) Yes after... a couple of years I suppose? I finally found that courage to pick up that long unsharpened pencil and started drawing.

I went back to where I've began.

I know I'm on the right track.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Life Under The Sea

Disclaimer: For my loyal and faithful readers, this is a repetitive post of what I've written 2 years ago. So... if you have read them before, please ignore this entry. :D

I have a fish tank... a marine fish tank to be more specific. :D

2 years ago, I was the one in charge of the maintaining the tank: Leveling up/down the salt level of the water; measuring the pH, nitrate, ammonia, phosphorus, magnisium... et cetera of the water, adding bacteria; adding plankton for the coral; feeding the fish; change the water; wash the tank and whatnot. But now, I'm too caught up with my work, I hardly have the time to even look at them, not to mention maintaining them. My dad does the job now. :P

I don't have the time to retake the photos of my fishes, below are the links to the photos I took of them, 2 years ago.

Enjoy :D


Thursday, June 3, 2010




说到食物嘛... 阿嬷的咖喱也是独一无二的。因为我从小就不吃辣,为了我,阿嬷特地自创了不加辣的咖喱。我想...在这世上也只有阿嬷的咖喱最合我胃口。








A small gesture of showing care/concern and appreciation, certainly brings a significant amount of sunshine to my rainy days.

The appreciation letters I received from Shanen (a few weeks ago) and Wan Zhen (this morning), totally made my day. I was touched and uplifted.

Shanen and Wan Zhen, If you guys happen to read this: Heres a BIG BIG THANK YOU! From me to YOU!!! I love you guys!!! :D


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I didn't sleep a wink yesterday.

Yeah, my mind was functioning for 24 hours yesterday. This morning, I woke up with a slight headache and giddy spells.
(Believe it or not, while on my way to the bathroom, I knocked my head against the bathroom door. *PLEASE DON'T LAUGH D:<* )

Ps: Anyway, restocked my supply of Magnum. this time round all Magnum Dark. XD
