Saturday, October 23, 2010

22 OCT 2010

Went movie with dear yesterday. ^^
We watched Bestseller.
It wasn't a bad show, but the dragging and the suspense was driving me crazy. :)
For horror movie, Bestseller is the limit.
Anything more then that will freak me out. ^^

22 Oct 2010 was definitely a day to remember.
I won't elaborate on the details, because its for me to know and for you to find out. ^^

Yesterday was the last day of school. Officially marked the end of my 13 years of education.

Graduation, a form of goodbye.
Like I said, sense of attachement or not, I can't get used to saying goodbyes.
I wasn't as affected, but to a small degree, I can't help but to feel sentimental and emotional.
Touching speeches, notes of encouragements, songs to bid farewell...

If you were to ask me to name a place which I'll missed the most in this school, besides the guitar room, its the Auditorium. Its a place where I received my first and subsequent puzzling lectures, a place where I first performed with Six Harmonix, a place where I first conduct the whole ensemble.

Thanks Mr Emen Low for his 3 life lessons. They are so true and meaningful.
Just when I'm struggling between ideals and reality and to make choices, it seems that the speech that he delivered was there to provide me with the answers I need.

I'm still young, I can still dream big and achieve them, leave the reality for later.
Just love what I do.
