Monday, October 4, 2010


I really don't like those cursed chain messages.

Say that I'm superstitious, I don't care.
I just don't like them.

When I received them, I'll be in this dilemma between forwarding it or not.
Because I really don't want to forward my friends the so called "Bad-luck", but I don't want myself to be entangled with the misfortunes as well.
So usually, I just leave them unread, or delete them.

Yes I'm superstitious. :P

Anyway, I'm thinking, maybe because I'm approaching the finishing line of this marathon, I'm showing signs of resignation.
I'm getting all lethargic and dreaded.

I have half a mind to just go according to my original plan: going for that private accounting degree instead of local U.

Yes, it may seems that following my plan is deviating away from my interests and aspirations, nontheless, I can still pursue music and do accounts at the same time, no worries. :)
Besides, sometimes, its always a give and take situation.
Be realistic, I can't always have the best of both worlds.

I'm happy just the way I am now.

I'm fully aware that following my plan will definitely set tongues wagging, but seriously?

Its my life.

Well, even so, I will not stop trying.
Because, I'm not that sort who will give up without trying.

Jean, if you wanna do something, you better throw in all your heart and effort, and make sure you get the best out of it!
