Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Its very depressing, for me, when I couldn't reach the pitch of the songs that I'm singing.

Net suggest that I should try "stretching" my vocal cords, so to expand my pitching range. But, what do you know? The process is tiring and discouraging.

Throwing a tantrum is not gonna expand my range, exploiting and abusing my vocal cords will only result in losing it's function to work properly. So I'll have to indulge myself in self pity, feeling sorry for myself that my singing ability is just... purely and plainly average.

Which is depressing because singing is the only thing that I could hold on to, that could make me feel good, confident and proud of myself; Something that enables me to prove to the others that I'm not... talentless and useless.

Now when reality sinks in that my singing ability is just purely and plainly average, I can't help but to feel depressed, to feel like I'm losing the grip on my confidence, to feel like my dreams are shattered, *poof* gone.

And Literature paper was so messed up.

My life can never be more meaningless and depressing than these.