Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Photo, A Lie

Everyone was smiling in that family portrait.
Their smiles looked like they came from the bottom of their heart, they all seemed genuine. Everyone appeared to be contented and happy with their current situation or with one another.

However if you look deeper into that portrait, you will realise, their smiles were accompanied by hidden displeasures. If you could look through them, you could see them harboring grudges and resentments towards one another.

How saddening.

The camera managed to capture smiles, but not happiness.

I find it distrubing when I see the picture. I find them hypocritical.
Of course, I joined them too.
Thus that makes me a hypocrite too.

On a side note:
1) Band practice was a total success! We sounded nice. A confident booster. :D Love it to the max.
2) The Buffet was just trying to stuff us to death. It was delicious though. :D
