Saturday, March 20, 2010


Me: I'm tired. I feel like sleeping for 24 hours and not wake up.
Them: NO, You have to drag yourself up because sleeping for 24 hours is abnormal.

Me: I want to direct a movie.
Them: NO, its too instable for a job. You need to find something stable... and perhaps something normal.

Me: I just want to play my music.
Them: NO, you should start studying, like a normal student does.

Me: I ...

I find it pointless to say anymore.

They expect me to conform to the norm, but that doesn't mean I'll have to succumb to their expectations.

I had enough of being normal. Being normal is just not me, not JEAN.

I had enough of being trapped in a cage. Trapped in a cage of normalities/expectations/standards and whatnot. I had enough of being controlled, being told what to do and not do.

I'm dying to break free.


PS: You're tired, that goes the same for me. Don't vent your frustrations on me because I don't take it out on you when I'm tired. Vent it on your teddy bear or something, I'm not your punching bag.
