Thursday, March 4, 2010

Question and Answer

I was writing my Literature essay on Disgrace (By JM Coetzee).

To summarize, I was questioned if I'm agreeable to the view on how readers are invited to understand and sympathize with David Lurie instead of condemning him for what he did.

Since, what I wrote in my essay is utter rubbish (because I'm not in a sober state of mind to write a Literature essay.) I'm not going to type out my essay in this post.

In fact, this essay question has led me to a question that I've been asking myself for quite a while:

"Have I been condemning people because I failed to sympathize their plight and/or understand them?"

(Its undeniable that I'm judgmental, and to me, first impression is extremely important. So I guess, Ya, I do.)

Then I question myself again:

"Did I ever deny anyone of their chance to something or to do something just because they screwed up at their first try?"

(No, so far, I'm not that evil...yet)

Then it led me further, to the issue of selecting members for the GE competition. Hence I question myself again:

"Should I reject those who doesn't have the aptitude but has a positive attitude or those who has the aptitude but with a terrible attitude?" (NO, its not a tongue twister!)

I don't have the answer to that question. I'm still thinking.