Saturday, April 10, 2010

Door slammed shut.

After a long talk, the conflict between us has yet resolved.
You let out a heavy sigh, showing signs of despair, disappointment and helplessness.
You left us tearing with a sentence saying that you really have no idea how to communicate with us, and then walked away silently.

The door slammed shut.

You walked away, not understanding our reason of doing so. You walked away without having a single idea why the conversation was ended on a sour note. You walked away sighing, feeling disappointed without knowing why, our relationship is straining. You walked away shaking your head with a fading faith.

Your door slammed shut.

Your losing faith in us, shocked me. You claimed that you know us more than anyone else, but in fact you don't have the slightest clue about us. If life is an Account, you have already categorized us as a doubtful debt. We are not even in provision (In Accounting terms). Any further explanation from us, only be a futile defense, so what more is there left to explain?

Our door slammed shut.

Its a struggle to decide if it was better to just tell you how I felt. But when it had dawned upon me that you are always busy imposing your views on us, always busy explaining your point of views and never listen to ours, I just simply find it meaningless to talk to you, or even find it pointless to argue with you about my stand anymore. My impatience was a result of these, not because I'm slowly turning into a rebellious creature. You don't understand.

My door slammed shut.

