Monday, April 12, 2010

A few things

OK, cramming a few things into this post. :D

Firstly, Little Bob Dog.
Yes, Little Bob Dog. I almost forget about this adorable creature.
Little Bob Dog was no stranger to me. In fact he was quite popular when I was young.
I used to own a few of Little Bob Dog's merchandises.
Don't ask me where the hell are they now, I have no idea. Well, I reckon that some things just doesn't last as long as you want them to, that includes my favourite toys.

Secondly, went to the hospital for medical appointment today.
They arranged me for Gastroscopy and also just for in case, Colonoscopy because of my family history. Don't make me go into the procedure of all of these scopes, because its just plain scary and disgusting.

Anyway, the mystery of my blood type is finally going to be revealed!!! They sent me for blood test!!! They drew out 3 tubes of my blood!!! OMG!!!

The waiting time was HORRIBLE. I spent my whole day there. :(

So tired.